This is a rework of the vsts-agent role from After my pull request was not accepted, commented or rejected for a long time I assume the role was abandoned.
A role to install and configure the VSTS-agent (Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release Agent) for RedHat Enterprise 7.2+ and Debian OS Family
python-pip to install a newer version of pexpect and libcurl4-gnutls-dev for Debian OS Family. Also rh-git29 is installed from software-collections, as VSTS requires a newer version of git.
At a minimum, override the variables vsts_accountname and vsts_poolname to install the regular queue agent.
To install a deployment group agent override the variables vsts_accountname ,vsts_projectname and vsts_deploymentgroupname.
Other variables are documented in the defaults/main.yml file.
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: angrox.vsts-agent }
- hosts: servers
- role: angrox.vsts-agent
## URL of the Azure DevOps Server
vsts_poolname: My Agent Pool
## Either vsts_agent_user and vsts_agent_password must be defined or vsts_accesstoken
## if both are defined it takes the token
vsts_agent_user: "[email protected]"
vsts_agent_password: "RandomPassword"
#vsts_accesstoken: myverylongtoken
## If the vsts-agent should run with a specific account the variables vsts_agent_windowsservice_user and vsts_agent_windowsservice_password must defined.
## When undefined it will run as Network Service
#vsts_agent_windowsservice_user: ""
#vsts_agent_windowsservice_password: ""
## To remove the agent set vsts_remove to true. Defaults to false
#vsts_remove: true
github: angrox