Grate is designed to be a distributed scraping tool with a rich ui to achieve high performance scraping from multiple locations and nodes.
- Optimised the memory use
- Attached the heartbeat server to scraper as well.
- Optimised the speed
- Added a branch function for get rules. Now there is an option to only get rules with active links by using
- Added the option to turn on multiple scraper instances in one note. The total thread per node will be the thread size x scraper instances
- Added the API for returning results
- Basic docker image
- Alpha version of application that supports basic functionalities
- Basic documentation about the rules
- Logging mechanism
- Authentication and Authorisation
- API EndPoint to generate links
- Unit Testing
- Basic Admin Panel to control the rules
- Basic Docker-Compose file
- Basic Helm Chart
- Optimise the memory usage
- Basic Docker Image
- API to return results
- Multiple Scraper Instances per node
You can pass arguments to choose mode such as grater both
Name | Default | Usage |
mode | both | It provides the running mode. Valid values are: dist:distributor, scraper:scraper or both:both |
Name | Default | Usage | Type |
NAME | random UUID | identify the name of the host | both |
ENV | dev | It will run gin in release mode if it is set to anything other than dev | both |
CONNECTION_URI | mongodb://root:example@mongo:27017/ | connection string to the database | both |
DATABASE_NAME | grater | name of the database | both |
PORT | 9999 | port of the api | distributor |
CORS | | This is the host address for CORS | distributor |
ITEM_PER_PAGE | 10 | Items will be returned per page from API, it means the scraper will get 10 links every time | distributor |
DISTRIBUTOR_API | http://localhost:9999/api/v1/dist | Address for the distributor | scraper |
PROXY_API | socks5-grater- | It should be in the format http/tcp-grater-<Link> , The api should return a list of proxies in the format of ip:port. You can leave this empty and it will not use proxy by default |
scraper |
THREADS | 20 | The size of threads for signle scraper | scraper |
SCRAPERS | 3 | The number of scrapers in one node. With default setting, the total threads per node will be 3 * 20 = 60. It means 60 threads will be running in parallel. | scraper |
ISCOOLDOWN | It will have a random cool down time if this variable is not empty. | scraper | |
WRITEPAGELAYOUTERROR | It will write the page layout error to a table call PageLayoutError if this value is not empty |
scraper | |
MODE | both | Set up the mode to be either both , dist or scraper |
both |
You can find the json payload in example folder.
"linkPattern": "{page}",
"name": "eBay PS5 Auction",
"pattern": "{\"name\":{\"pattern\":\"\",\"value\":\"text\"},\"price\":{\"pattern\":\" span.notranslate\",\"value\":\"text\",\"postprocess\":{\"replace\":\"£,\"},\"validation\":{\"equation\":\"300 <= value\",\"targetValue\":\"value\"}}}",
"deeplinkPatterns": "li.s-item.s-item--watch-at-corner,span.s-item__bids.s-item__bidCount,a.s-item__link,removeQueryString,redirect",
"targetLocation": "PS5",
"headers": "{\"accept-encoding\":\"gzip, deflate, br\",\"accept-language\":\"en-US,en;q=0.9\",\"referer\":\"\"}",
"totalPages": 5,
"frequency": 86400
Link Pattern currently only supports page variable {page}. This will be used to generate the actually links. It is used with totalPages. If totalPages is 5, it will generate 5 links by replacing {page} with 1,2,3,4,5.
This is a simple metadata
It is in jsonstring format.
Sometimes you may want to go to the second level rather than staying in the first level. This is the option you want to set
This is the headers will be attached to the request
This is the target database name that will be used to stored the scraped data
This sets how many seconds will this rule regenerate all links