Flutter implementation of the Confidence SDK.
This SDK uses the Android and iOS respectively under the hood.
Add the confidence sdk to your flutter app using the following command:
flutter pub add confidence_flutter_sdk
first, we need to setup the api config which contains a api_key
import 'package:confidence_flutter_sdk/confidence_flutter_sdk.dart';
final confidence = ConfidenceFlutterSdk();
await confidence.setup("API_KEY");
Context could be passed to the sdk as follows:
await confidence.putContext(key, value)
Multiple context elements could be send to the sdk as follows:
await confidence.putAllContext(map)
after this initial setup we can start fetching and accessing the flags.
await confidence.fetchAndActivate();
await confidence.getString("[FLAG]", "Default"))
The schema of the property plays a crucial role in resolving the property, if the schema type matches the asked type, the value will be returned otherwise we expect default value to be returned.
we can send custom events to the confidence sdk like following:
confidence.track("[EVENT-NAME]", <String, dynamic>{});
to run the iOS example app in xcode, first fetch the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
then you can drag and drop the ios/Classes/confidence_sdk/Sources/Confidence
folder into your xcode project next to the ConfidenceFlutterSDkPlugin.swift
then we can run flutter on iOS given your iOS simulator is running using:
flutter run
or simply run the app from xcode.