5519 commits
to main
since this release
⭐ New Features
- Add public getUndertow method to UndertowWebServer #39916
- Add TWENTY_TWO to JavaVersion enum #39827
- Implement SBOM actuator endpoint #39799
- Use optimized request predicates for GraphQL MVC and WebFlux endpoints #39652
- Auto-configure SSE transport on GraphQL MVC and WebFlux endpoints #39651
- Manage jakarta.inject:jakarta.inject-api #39587
- Improve exploded structure experience for efficient deployments #38276
- Support loading of base 64 encoded values from the Environment #36033
- Support mvn spring-boot:run with classpaths that exceeds Windows' length limits #17766
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Thread name prefix is not always set when using virtual threads #39961
- spring-boot-maven-plugin doesn't work with Java 22 #39934
- Jetty embedded web server includes a JNDI initial context when other servers do not #39932
- Remove virtual thread support for Undertow as it leaks memory #39812
- When using Logback, log messages appear in a single line when application name contains brackets #39802
- Resolving a BuildpackReference created from a URL-like String can fail on Windows #39794
- SpringProfile arbiter fails without a Spring's environment #39787
- bootStartScripts tasks should be an instance of org.gradle.api.tasks.application.CreateStartScripts rather than its superclass org.gradle.jvm.application.tasks.CreateStartScripts #39765
📔 Documentation
- Document support for Java 22 #40047
- Fix web session javadoc typo #39954
- Fix typo in Custom HTTP Exchange Recording section #39785
- Make description of virtual threads and JVM exit easier to understand by removing "no-non" double-negative #39738
- Switch to Antora Based Documentation #33766
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to ActiveMQ 6.1.0 #40014
- Upgrade to Angus Mail 2.0.3 #39991
- Upgrade to Brave 6.0.2 #39992
- Upgrade to Commons DBCP2 2.12.0 #39918
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.6.0 #39951
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch Client 8.12.2 #39919
- Upgrade to Flyway 10.10 #40022
- Upgrade to Git Commit ID Maven Plugin 8.0.2 #40015
- Upgrade to Glassfish JAXB 4.0.5 #39993
- Upgrade to GraphQL Java 21.4 #40016
- Upgrade to Groovy 4.0.20 #39994
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.0.Final #40017
- Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.17.0 #39920
- Upgrade to Jakarta Activation 2.1.3 #39996
- Upgrade to Jakarta Mail 2.1.3 #39997
- Upgrade to Jakarta XML Bind 4.0.2 #39998
- Upgrade to Jaybird 5.0.4.java11 #39999
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.7 #40000
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.6 #40001
- Upgrade to Kafka 3.7.0 #39952
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.23 #40002
- Upgrade to Lettuce 6.3.2.RELEASE #40003
- Upgrade to Log4j2 2.23.1 #40004
- Upgrade to Maven Assembly Plugin 3.7.1 #40018
- Upgrade to Maven Compiler Plugin 3.13.0 #40019
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.13.0-M2 #39889
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.3.0-M2 #39890
- Upgrade to Mockito 5.11.0 #39922
- Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 5.18.0 #39933
- Upgrade to OpenTelemetry 1.36.0 #39923
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.7.3 #40005
- Upgrade to Pulsar 3.2.1 #40006
- Upgrade to R2DBC MariaDB 1.2.0 #39925
- Upgrade to R2DBC MySQL 1.1.2 #40007
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.4 #39908
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.1.3 #39891
- Upgrade to Spring Authorization Server 1.3.0-M3 #39892
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.0.0-M2 #39893
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.5 #39894
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 2.3.0-M1 #39953
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.3.0-M2 #39896
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.2.0-M2 #39897
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.1.0-M2 #39898
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.3.0-M3 #39899
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.3.0-M3 #39900
- Upgrade to SQLite JDBC #40008
- Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.19.7 #40009
- Upgrade to WebJars Locator Core 0.58 #39926
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@MazizEsa, @PiyalAhmed, @Roiocam, @TheSnoozer, @dreis2211, @eddumelendez, @izeye, @mattrpav, @mhalbritter, @onobc, @snicoll, @timgrohmann, and @wanger26