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Releases: sprockets/sprockets.mixins.metrics

Make clean shutdown possible

04 Sep 10:50
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Update metadata for 4.1.0.

Merge pull request #32 from sprockets/release/4.0.0

06 Feb 15:15
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Loosen Tornado pin to include version 4.4

31 Jan 21:53
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Merge pull request #24 from ibnpaul/update-tornado-pin

Loosen Tornado pin to include 4.4

Use tornado's get_status() method.

30 Mar 20:43
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Merge pull request #23 from nvllsvm/master

Use get_status to retrieve status code

Add install usage pattern and statsd metric type path prefix

12 Dec 20:32
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Add install usage pattern for using mixin within Tornado app. Strip down statsd mixin adding a collector class to do metric recording. Add path prefix for the metric type, eg. counters, timers, etc. Add configuration parameters to enable/disable metric type prefix.

Make calling set_metric_tag in initialize not explode

21 Mar 16:02
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From 471adf5:

tornado.web.RequestHandler.__init__ calls tornado.web.RequestHandler.initialize to initialize the object. Sub-classes should be able to call our methods to tag metrics in their initialize implementations. For this to work we need to set our internal attributes BEFORE we call super.__init__.

Periodically send messages to InfluxDB

11 Mar 14:59
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This release changes the InfluxDB batch handling so that it periodically sends batches instead of sending a batch when a request is processed.

Fix packaging stupidity

01 Feb 20:03
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Merge pull request #11 from sprockets/fix-version-importing

Fix packaging

First public release

01 Feb 15:21
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Supports reporting to StatsD and InfluxDB.

Alpha Release

29 Jan 15:09
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Alpha Release Pre-release

This will be moving quickly towards a 1.0 release.