Web-components for i18next.
Handles formatting of intl messages as well as formatting date and numbers.
Usable as vanillaJS web-components as well as with JSX (react...).
The following components are available
to format messages with i18next<intl-datetime>
to format dates with Intl.DateTimeFormat<intl-relative-time>
to format relative dates with Intl.RelativeTimeFormat<intl-number>
to format numbers with Intl.NumberFormat
For inspiration of this project credits go to kwc-i18next 👏.
Demopages are at https://spurreiter.github.io/i18next-wc
- Installation
- Usage
- intl-message
- intl-datetime
- intl-relative-time
- intl-number
- Using with JSX
- Contributing
- License
- References
Install both i18next and this package as dependencies
npm i i18next-wc i18next
With a CDN...
<intl-message label="key"></intl-message>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next@19/i18next.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next-wc"></script>
In your own bundled code...
import i18Next from 'i18next'
import 'i18next-wc'
window.i18next = i18next
<intl-message label="key"></intl-message>
<script src="./bundle.js"></script>
Formats messages with i18next.
<intl-message label="test:key">
A value
<intl-message label="title" value="Title">
My Title
<intl-message label="deep" value='{"key":"Hello","val":"World"}'>
Hello World!
<intl-message label="html" value="<span style='color: red'>dangerous</span>">
With HTML it might get <span style='color: red'>dangerous</span>
<intl-message label="html" dangerous value="<span style='color: red'>dangerous</span>">
With HTML it might get dangerous
<intl-message label="item" count="1">
One item
<intl-message label="item" count="10">
10 items
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next@19/i18next.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next-wc/dist/intl-message.js"></script>
i18next.init({ // initialize i18next
lng: "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
resources: {
en: {
default: {
title: "My {{value}}", deep: "{{value.key}} {{value.val}}!",
item: "One item", item_plural: "{{count}} items",
html: "With HTML it might get {{value}}"
test: {
key: "A value"
defaultNS: "default",
fallbackNS: "global"
examples/message-plurals.html if you like to use a custom i18next post-processor
examples/message-icu.html for using the web-component with i18next-icu
attribute | type | description |
label | string |
i18next translation label |
key | string |
deprecated use label instead; i18next translation label |
count | number |
count for plurals |
context | string |
i18next context |
value | string , json , object |
use value for for default inserts |
lng | string |
changes default language |
ns | string , string[] |
changes default namespace |
options | json , object |
i18next options. See i18next-options |
dangerous | boolean |
dangerously insert unescaped content (XSS!) |
hidden | boolean |
hide translation from rendering |
Note: Avoid using
attribute with keyed frameworks as this attribute is used for referencing Elements in DOM. Uselabel
attribute instead.
<intl-datetime time>
<intl-datetime weekday="long">
<intl-datetime value="2020-03-12" lng="en-GB">
<intl-datetime value="2020-03-12" lng="en-US">
<intl-datetime options='{"weekday":"short","year":"numeric","month":"long","day":"numeric"}'>
dim. 5 avril 2020
<intl-datetime date weekday="long" month="long" lng="ja">
<intl-datetime date time hour12 timeZoneName="short">
05/04/2020 à 10:03:47 PM UTC+2
<intl-datetime date time hourCycle="h12" timeZoneName="long" timeZone="Asia/Tokyo">
06/04/2020 à 5:03:47 heure normale du Japon
<intl-datetime date time hour12 timeZoneName="long" timeZone="Asia/Foobar">
<!-- intl-datetime works also without i18next -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next@19/i18next.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next-wc/dist/intl-datetime.js"></script>
attribute | type | description |
lng | string |
changes default language |
value | Date , ISOString |
if string than use iso format. E.g. local date 2020-12-31 12:00:00 or UTC date 2020-12-31T12:00:00Z . Use always new Date().toISOString() to be on the safe side. If undefined current timestamp is used. |
options | json , object |
json formatted string of DateTimeFormatOptions |
weekday | string |
"narrow", "short", "long" |
era | string |
"narrow", "short", "long" |
year | string |
"2-digit", "numeric" |
month | string |
"2-digit", "numeric", "narrow", "short", "long" |
day | string |
"2-digit", "numeric" |
hour | string |
"2-digit", "numeric" |
minutes | string |
"2-digit", "numeric" |
seconds | string |
"2-digit", "numeric" |
hour12 | boolean |
use AM , PM if true |
hourCycle | string |
"h11", "h12", "h23", "h24" |
timeZone | string |
timezone of date e.g. "Asia/Tokyo" |
timeZoneName | string |
"short", "long" |
localeMatcher | string |
"lookup", "best fit" |
formatMatcher | string |
"basic", "best fit" |
numberingSystem | string |
"arab", "arabext", "bali", "beng", "deva", "fullwide", "gujr", "guru", "hanidec", "khmr", "knda", "laoo", "latn", "limb", "mlym", "mong", "mymr", "orya", "tamldec", "telu", "thai", "tibt" |
calendar | string |
buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "ethiopia", "ethiopic", "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc" |
date | boolean |
if set display date |
time | boolean |
if set display time |
⚠ NOTE: Consider using a polyfill for Safari, Safari iOS and Edge
See examples/relative-time.html.
attribute | type | description |
lng | string |
changes default language |
value | Date , ISOString |
if string than use iso format. E.g. local date 2020-12-31 12:00:00 or UTC date 2020-12-31T12:00:00Z . Use always new Date().toISOString() to be on the safe side |
options | json , object |
json formatted string of [todo][] |
unit | string |
"year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second" |
style | string |
"narrow", "short", "long" |
numeric | string |
"always", "auto" |
localeMatcher | string |
"lookup", "best fit" |
update | boolean |
automatically update value |
<intl-number value="123456.789">
<intl-number value="123456.789" lng="en-IN">
<intl-number value="123456.789" lng="ar-EG">
<intl-number value="123456.789" lng="zh-Hans-CN-u-nu-hanidec">
<intl-number value="123456.789" lng="de-DE" options='{"style":"currency","currency":"EUR"}'>
123.456,79 €
<intl-number value="123456.789" lng="ja-JP" p-style="currency" currency="JPY">
<intl-number value="123456.789" lng="en-IN" maximumSignificantDigits="3">
<intl-number value="50" lng="pt-PT" p-style="unit" unit="mile-per-hour">
50 mi/h
<intl-number value="12" lng="en-GB" p-style="unit" unit="liter" unitDisplay="long">
12 litres
<intl-number value="987654321" lng="en-US" notation="scientific">
<intl-number value="987654321" lng="pt-PT" notation="scientific">
<intl-number value="987654321" lng="en-GB" notation="engineering">
<intl-number value="987654321" lng="de" notation="engineering">
<intl-number value="987654321" lng="zh-CN" notation="compact">
<intl-number value="987654321" lng="fr" notation="compact">
988 M
<!-- intl-number works also without i18next -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next@19/i18next.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/i18next-wc/dist/intl-number.js"></script>
See examples/number.html.
attribute | type | description |
lng | string |
changes default language |
value | number |
value as number string |
options | json or object |
object or json formatted string of NumberFormatOptions |
styleProp | string |
"decimal", "percent", "currency", "unit" alternatively use style within options |
currency | string |
ISO 4217 currency and funds code e.g. "EUR", "USD" |
currencyDisplay | string |
"code", "symbol", "narrowSymbol", "name" |
currencySign | string |
"standard", "accounting" |
unit | string |
See TC39 IsSanctionedSimpleUnitIdentifier |
unitDisplay | string |
"short", "narrow", "long" |
notation | string |
"standard", "scientific", "engineering", "compact" |
compactDisplay | string |
"short", "long" |
useGrouping | boolean |
signDisplay | string |
"auto", "never", "always", "exceptZero" |
localeMatcher | string |
"lookup", "best fit" |
minimumIntegerDigits | number |
1...21 |
minimumFractionDigits | number |
1...21 |
maximumFractionDigits | number |
1...21 |
minimumSignificantDigits | number |
1...21 |
maximumSignificantDigits | number |
1...21 |
numberingSystem | string |
"arab", "arabext", "bali", "beng", "deva", "fullwide", "gujr", "guru", "hanidec", "khmr", "knda", "laoo", "latn", "limb", "mlym", "mong", "mymr", "orya", "tamldec", "telu", "thai", "tibt" |
You can use all components in JSX (react, apprun, ...) as well.
Check examples/jsx.html
import i18next from "i18next"
// take care of treeshaking - removing the below line may cause that the Wc gets removed by treeshaking
import 'i18next-wc'
import { intlMessage } from 'i18next-wc'
// initialize i18next
lng: 'en-GB',
fallbackLng: "en",
resources: {
en: {
default: {
placeholder: 'fill in here',
'Selected language': 'Selected language: {{value}}'
fr: {
default: {
placeholder: 'remplir ici',
'Selected language': 'Langue choisie : {{value}}'
defaultNS: 'default'
// inject i18next into web-component
const IntlMessage = (props) => (<intl-message { ...{i18next, ...props }} />)
// use in your custom component
export function JsxComponent ({ lng }) {
return (
<IntlMessage label="Selected language" value={lng} />
<input placeholder={intlMessage({i18next, label: 'placeholder'})} />
Feel free to clone the project and submit a PR. On contributing you implicitly agree to license your code under the terms of the MIT license.
MIT Licensed