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Bazel build rules for protobuf / gRPC (now with gazelle)


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rules_proto (v2)

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Bazel starlark rules for building protocol buffers +/- gRPC ✨.

bazel gazelle protobuf grpc

@build_stack_rules_proto provides:

  1. Rules for driving the protoc tool within a bazel workspace.
  2. A gazelle extension that generates rules based on the content of your .proto files.
  3. A repository rule that runs gazelle in an external workspace.
  4. Example setups for a variety of languages.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

WORKSPACE Boilerplate

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# Release: v2.0.1
# TargetCommitish: master
# Date: 2022-10-20 02:38:27 +0000 UTC
# URL:
# Size: 2071295 (2.1 MB)
    name = "build_stack_rules_proto",
    sha256 = "ac7e2966a78660e83e1ba84a06db6eda9a7659a841b6a7fd93028cd8757afbfb",
    strip_prefix = "rules_proto-2.0.1",
    urls = [""],

This prepares protoc for the proto_compile rule. For simple setups, consider @build_stack_rules_proto//toolchain:prebuilt to skip compilation of the tool.

NOTE: if you are planning on hand-writing your BUILD.bazel rules yourself (not using the gazelle build file generator), STOP HERE. You'll need to provide typical proto dependencies such as @rules_proto and @com_google_protobuf (use macros below if desired), but no additional core dependencies are needed at this point.

load("@build_stack_rules_proto//deps:core_deps.bzl", "core_deps")


This brings in @io_bazel_rules_go, @bazel_gazelle, and @rules_proto if you don't already have them.

The gazelle extension and associated golang dependencies are optional; you can write proto_compile and other derived rules by hand. For gazelle support, carry on.



go_register_toolchains(version = "1.18.2")

Standard biolerplate for @io_bazel_rules_go.

load( "@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies")


Standard boilerplate for @bazel_gazelle.

load("@build_stack_rules_proto//:go_deps.bzl", "gazelle_protobuf_extension_go_deps")


This brings in @com_github_emicklei_proto. is used by the gazelle extension to parse proto files.

load("@build_stack_rules_proto//deps:protobuf_core_deps.bzl", "protobuf_core_deps")


This brings in @com_google_protobuf and friends if you don't already have them.

Gazelle Setup

load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "gazelle", "gazelle_binary")

    name = "gazelle-protobuf",
    languages = [
        # must be after the proto extension (order matters)

    name = "gazelle",
    gazelle = ":gazelle-protobuf",

The gazelle setup is typically placed in the root BUILD.bazel file.

Gazelle Configuration

The gazelle extension can be configured using "build directives" and/or a YAML file.

Build Directives

Gazelle is configured by special comments in BUILD files called directives.

Gazelle works by visiting each package in your workspace; configuration is done "on the way in" whereas actual rule generation is done "on the way out". Gazelle configuration of a subdirectory inherits that from its parents. As such, directives placed in the root BUILD.bazel file apply to the entire workspace.

# gazelle:proto_rule proto_compile implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile

# gazelle:proto_plugin cpp implementation builtin:cpp
# gazelle:proto_plugin protoc-gen-grpc-cpp implementation grpc:grpc:cpp

# gazelle:proto_rule proto_cc_library implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_cc_library
# gazelle:proto_rule proto_cc_library deps @com_google_protobuf//:protobuf
# gazelle:proto_rule proto_cc_library visibility //visibility:public
# gazelle:proto_rule grpc_cc_library implementation stackb:rules_proto:grpc_cc_library
# gazelle:proto_rule grpc_cc_library deps @com_github_grpc_grpc//:grpc++
# gazelle:proto_rule grpc_cc_library deps @com_github_grpc_grpc//:grpc++_reflection
# gazelle:proto_rule grpc_cc_library visibility //visibility:public

# gazelle:proto_language cpp plugin cpp
# gazelle:proto_language cpp plugin protoc-gen-grpc-cpp
# gazelle:proto_language cpp rule proto_compile
# gazelle:proto_language cpp rule proto_cc_library
# gazelle:proto_language cpp rule grpc_cc_library

Let's unpack this a bit:

  • gazelle:proto_plugin cpp implementation builtin:cpp associates the name cpp with a piece of golang code that implements the protoc.Plugin interface. The extension maintains a registry of these actors (the gazelle extension ships with a number of them out of the box, but you can also write your own). The core responsibility a protoc.Plugin implementation is to to predict the files that a protoc plugin tool will generate for an individual proto_library rule. The implemention has full read access to the protoc.Files in the proto_library to be able to predict if a file will be generated and where it will appear in the filesystem (specifically, relative to the bazel execution root during a proto_compile action).
  • gazelle:proto_rule proto_compile implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile associates the name proto_compile with a piece of golang code that implements the protoc.LanguageRule interface. The extension maintains a registry of rule implementations. Similarly, the extension ships with a bunch of them out of the box, but you can write your own custom rules as well. The core responsibility a protoc.LanguageRule implementation is construct a gazelle rule.Rule based upon a proto_library rule and the set of plugins that are configured with it.
  • gazelle:proto_language cpp plugin cpp instantiates a protoc.LanguageConfig having the name cpp and adds the cpp plugin to it. The language configuration bundles bundles plugins and rules together.
  • gazelle:proto_rule grpc_cc_library deps @com_github_grpc_grpc//:grpc++ configures the rule such that all generated rules will have that dependency.

+/- intent modifiers. Although not pictured in this example, many of the directives take an intent modifier to turn configuration on/off. For example, if you wanted to suppress the grpc c++ plugin in the package //proto/javaapi, put a directive like gazelle:proto_language cpp rule -grpc_cc_library in proto/javaapi/BUILD.bazel (note the - symbol preceding the name). To suppress the language entirely, use gazelle:proto_language cpp enabled false.

YAML Configuration

You can also configure the extension using a YAML file. This is semantically similar to adding gazelle directives to the root BUILD file; the YAML configuration applies to all downstream packages. The equivalent YAML config for the above directives looks like:

  - name: cpp
    implementation: builtin:cpp
  - name: protoc-gen-grpc-cpp
    implementation: grpc:grpc:cpp
  - name: proto_compile
    implementation: stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile
      -  //visibility:public
  - name: proto_cc_library
    implementation: stackb:rules_proto:proto_cc_library
      -  //visibility:public
      - "@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf"
  - name: grpc_cc_library
    implementation: stackb:rules_proto:grpc_cc_library
      -  //visibility:public
      - "@com_github_grpc_grpc//:grpc++"
      - "@com_github_grpc_grpc//:grpc++_reflection"
  - name: "cpp"
      - cpp
      - protoc-gen-grpc-cpp
      - proto_compile
      - proto_cc_library
      - grpc_cc_library

A yaml config is particularly useful in conjunction with the proto_repository rule, for example to apply a set of custom plugins over the googleapis/googleapis repo.

To use this in a gazelle rule, specify -proto_configs in args (comma-separated list):

    name = "gazelle",
    gazelle = ":gazelle-protobuf",
    args = [

Running Gazelle

Now that we have the WORKSPACE setup and gazelle configured, we can run gazelle:

$ bazel run //:gazelle -- proto/

To restrict gazelle to only a particular subdirectory example/routeguide/:

$ bazel run //:gazelle -- example/routeguide/

Gazelle should now have generated something like the following:

load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules/cc:grpc_cc_library.bzl", "grpc_cc_library")
load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules/cc:proto_cc_library.bzl", "proto_cc_library")
load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules:proto_compile.bzl", "proto_compile")

    name = "routeguide_proto",
    srcs = ["routeguide.proto"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

    name = "routeguide_cpp_compile",
    outputs = [
    plugins = [
    proto = "routeguide_proto",

    name = "routeguide_cc_library",
    srcs = [""],
    hdrs = ["routeguide.pb.h"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf"],

    name = "routeguide_grpc_cc_library",
    srcs = [""],
    hdrs = ["routeguide.grpc.pb.h"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = [

Regarding rules like @build_stack_rules_proto//rules/cc:proto_cc_library.bzl%proto_cc_library". These are nearly always very thin wrappers for the "real" rule. For example, here's the implementation in proto_cc_library.bzl:

load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library")

def proto_cc_library(**kwargs):

An implementation detail of gazelle itself is that two different language extensions should not claim the same load namespace, so in order to prevent potential conflicts with other possible gazelle extensions, using the name @rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl%cc_library is undesirable.

Build Rules

The core of stackb/rules_proto contains two build rules:

Rule Description
proto_compile Executes the protoc tool.
proto_plugin Provides static protoc plugin-specific configuration.



load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules:proto_compile.bzl", "proto_compile")

    name = "thing_proto",
    srcs = ["thing.proto"],
    deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto"],

proto_plugin(name = "cpp")

    name = "person_cpp_compile",
    outputs = [
    plugins = [":cpp"],
    proto = "person_proto",


  • A proto_library rule forms the basis for other language-specific derived rules.
  • proto_library is provided by bazelbuild/rules_proto.
  • A proto_compile rule references a single proto_library target.
  • The plugins attribute is a list of labels to proto_plugin targets.
  • The outputs attribute names the files that will be generated by the protoc invocation.
  • The proto extension provided by [bazel-gazelle] is responsible for generating proto_library.


proto_plugin primarily provides the plugin tool executable. The example seen above is the simplest case where the plugin is builtin to protoc itself; no separate plugin tool is required. In this case the proto_plugin rule degenerates into just a name.

It is possible to add additional plugin-specific name = "foo", options = ["bar"] on the proto_plugin rule, but the use-case for this is narrow. Generally it is preferred to say # gazelle:proto_plugin foo option bar such that the option can be interpreted during a gazelle run.


proto_compiled_sources is used when you prefer to check the generated files into source control. This may be necessary for legacy reasons, during an initial Bazel migration, or to support better IDE integration.

The shape of a proto_compiled_sources rule is essentially identical to proto_compile with one exception: generated source are named in the srcs attribute rather than outputs.

For example, a proto_compiled_sources named //example/thing:proto_go_sources is a macro that generates three rules:

  1. bazel build //example/thing:proto_go_sources emits the generated files.
  2. bazel run //example/thing:proto_go_sources.update copies the generated files back into the source package.
  3. bazel test //example/thing:proto_go_sources_test asserts the source files are identical to generated files.

In this scenario, 2. is used to build the generated files (in the bazel-bin/ output tree) and copy the example/thing/thing.pb.go back into place where it will be committed under source control. 3. is used to prevent drift: if a developer modifies thing.proto and neglects to run the .update the test will fail in CI.


The macro proto_compile_assets aggregates a list of dependencies (which provide ProtoCompileInfo) into a single runnable target that copies files in bulk.

For example, bazel run //proto:assets will copy all the generated .pb.go files back into the source tree:

load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules:proto_compile_assets.bzl", "proto_compile_assets")

    name = "assets",
    deps = [,

The output_mappings attribute

Consider the following rule within the package example/thing:

    name = "thing_go_compile",
    output_mappings = [""],
    outputs = ["thing.pb.go"],
    plugins = ["@build_stack_rules_proto//plugin/golang/protobuf:protoc-gen-go"],
    proto = "thing_proto",

This rule is declaring that a file bazel-bin/example/thing/thing.pb.go will be output when the action is run. When we bazel build //example/thing:thing_go_compile, the file is indeed created.

Let's temporarily comment out the output_mappings attribute and rebuild:

    name = "thing_go_compile",
    # output_mappings = [""],
    outputs = ["thing.pb.go"],
    plugins = ["@build_stack_rules_proto//plugin/golang/protobuf:protoc-gen-go"],
    proto = "thing_proto",
$ bazel build //example/thing:thing_go_compile
ERROR: / output 'example/thing/thing.pb.go' was not created

What happened? Let's add a debugging attribute verbose = True on the rule: this will print debugging information and show the bazel sandbox before and after the protoc tool is invoked:

    name = "thing_go_compile",
    # output_mappings = [""],
    outputs = ["thing.pb.go"],
    plugins = ["@build_stack_rules_proto//plugin/golang/protobuf:protoc-gen-go"],
    proto = "thing_proto",
    verbose = True,
$ bazel build //example/thing:thing_go_compile


So, the file was created, but not in the location we wanted. In this case the protoc-gen-go plugin is not "playing nice" with Bazel. Because this thing.proto has option go_package = ";thing";, the output location is no longer based on the package. This is a problem, because Bazel semantics disallow declaring a File outside its package boundary. As a result, we need to do a mv ./bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/ ./bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/example/thing/thing.pb.go to relocate the file into its expected location before the action terminates.

Therefore, the output_mappings attribute is a list of entries that map file locations want=got relative to the action execution root. It is required when the actual output location does not match the desired location. This can occur if the proto package statement does not match the Bazel package path, or in special circumstances specific to the plugin itself (like go_package).

Repository Rules


From an implementation standpoint, this is very similar to the go_repository rule. Both can download external files and then run the gazelle generator over the downloaded files. Example:

    name = "googleapis",
    build_directives = [
        "gazelle:resolve proto google/api/http.proto //google/api:http_proto",
    build_file_generation = "clean",
    build_file_proto_mode = "file",
    reresolve_known_proto_imports = True,
    proto_language_config_file = "//example:config.yaml",
    strip_prefix = "googleapis-02710fa0ea5312d79d7fb986c9c9823fb41049a9",
    type = "zip",
    urls = [""],


  • The urls, strip_prefix and type behave similarly to http_archive.
  • build_file_proto_mode is the same the go_repository attribute of the same name; additionally the value file is permitted which generates a proto_library for each individual proto file.
  • build_file_generation is the same the go_repository attribute of the same name; additionally the value clean is supported. For example, googleapis already has a set of BUILD files; the clean mode will remove all the existing build files before generating new ones.
  • build_directives is the same as go_repository. Resolve directives in this case are needed because the gazelle language/proto extension hardcodes a proto import like google/api/http.proto to resolve to the @go_googleapis workspace; here we want to make sure that http.proto resolves to the same external workspace.
  • proto_language_config_file is an optional label pointing to a valid config.yaml file to configure this extension.
  • reresolve_known_proto_imports is a boolean attribute that has special meaning for the googleapis repository. Due to the fact that the builtin gazelle "proto" extension has hardcoded logic for what googleapis deps look like, additional work is needed to override that. With this sample configuration, the following build command succeeds:
$ bazel build @googleapis//google/api:annotations_cc_library
Target @googleapis//google/api:annotations_cc_library up-to-date:

Another example using the Bazel repository:

load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules/proto:proto_repository.bzl", "proto_repository")

    name = "bazelapis",
    build_directives = [
        "gazelle:exclude third_party",
        "gazelle:proto_language go enable true",
        "gazelle:proto_language closure enabled true",
    build_file_expunge = True,
    build_file_proto_mode = "file",
    cfgs = ["//proto:config.yaml"],
    imports = [
    strip_prefix = "bazel-02ad3e3bc6970db11fe80f966da5707a6c389fdd",
    type = "zip",
    urls = [""],


  • The build_directives are setting the gazelle:prefix for the language/go plugin; two proto_language configs named in the proto/config.yaml are being enabled.
  • build_file_expunge means remove all existing BUILD files before generating new ones.
  • build_file_proto_mode = "file" means make a separate proto_library rule for every .proto file.
  • cfgs = ["//proto:config.yaml"] means use the configuration in this YAML file as a base set of gazelle directives. It is easier/more consistent to share the same config.yaml file across multiple proto_repository rules.

The last one imports = ["@googleapis//:imports.csv", ...] requires extra explanation. When the proto_repository gazelle process finishes, it writes a file named imports.csv in the root of the external workspace. This file records the association between import statements and bazel labels, much like a gazelle:resolve directive:

# GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT (created by gazelle)
# lang,imp.lang,imp,label

Therefore, the imports attribute assists gazelle in figuring how to resolve imports. Therefore, when gazelle is preparing a go_library rule and finds a main.go file having an import on, it knows to put @googleapis//google/firestore/bundle:bundle_go_proto in the rule deps.

To take advantage of this mechanism in the default workspace, use the proto_gazelle rule.


proto_gazelle is not a repository rule: it's just like the typical gazelle rule, but with extra deps resolution superpowers. But, we discuss it here since it works in conjunction with proto_repository:

load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules:proto_gazelle.bzl", "DEFAULT_LANGUAGES", "proto_gazelle")

    name = "gazelle",
    cfgs = ["//proto:config.yaml"],
    command = "update",
    gazelle = ":gazelle-protobuf",
    imports = [

In this example, we are again setting the base gazelle config using the YAML file (the same one used in for the proto_repository rules). We are also now importing resolve information from four external sources.

With this setup, we can simply place an import statement like import "src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/buildeventstream/proto/build_event_stream.proto"; in a foo.proto file in the default workspace, and gazelle will automagically figure out the import dependency tree spanning @bazelapis, @remoteapis, @googleapis, and the well-known types from @protoapis.

This works for any proto_language, with any set of custom protoc plugins.


golden_filegroup is a utility macro for golden file testing. It works like a native filegroup, but adds .update and .test targets. Example:

load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules:golden_filegroup.bzl", "golden_filegroup")

# golden_filegroup asserts that generated files named in 'srcs' are
# identical to the ones checked into source control.
# Usage:
# $ bazel build :golden        # not particularly useful, just a regular filegroup
# $ bazel test  :golden.test   # checks that generated files are identical to
# ones in git (for CI)
# $ bazel run   :golden.update # copies the generated files into source tree
# (then 'git add' to your PR if it looks good)
    name = "golden",
    srcs = [

Plugin Implementations

The plugin name is an opaque string, but by convention they are maven-esqe artifact identifiers that follow a GitHub org/repo/plugin_name convention.


Rule Implementations

The rule name is an opaque string, but by convention they are maven-esqe artifact identifiers that follow a GitHub org/repo/rule_name convention.


Please consult the example/ directory and unit tests for more additional detail.

Writing Custom Plugins and Rules

Custom plugin implementations and rule implementations can be written in golang or starlark. Golang implementations are statically compiled into the final gazelle_binary whereas starlark plugins are evaluated at gazelle runtime.

+/- of golang implementations

  • + Full power of a statically compiled language, the golang stdlib, and external dependencies.
  • + Easier to test.
  • + API not experimental.
  • - Cannot be used in a proto_repository rule without forking stackb/rules_proto.
  • - Initial setup harder, often housed within your own custom gazelle extension.

Until a dedicated tutorial is available, please consult the source code for examples.

+/- of starlark implementations

  • + More familiar to developer with starlark experience but not golang.
  • + Easier setup (*.star files in your gazelle repository)
  • + Possible to use in conjunction with the proto_repository rule.
  • - Limited API: can only reference state that has been already configured via gazelle directives.
  • - Not possible to implement stateful design.
  • - No standard library.

Until a dedicated tutorial is available, please consult the reference example in example/testdata/starlark_java.


The original rules_proto was This was redesigned around the proto_library rule and moved to

Following earlier experiments with aspects, this ruleset was forked to Aspect-based compilation was featured for quite a while there but has recently been deprecated.

Maintaining stackb/rules_proto and its polyglot set of languages in its original v0-v1 form became a full-time (unpaid) job. The main issue is that the {LANG}_{PROTO|GRPC}_library rules are tightly bound to a specific set of dependencies. As such, rules_proto users are tightly bound to the specific labels named by those rules. This is a problem for the maintainer as one must keep the dependencies current. It is also a problem for rule consumers: it becomes increasingly difficult to upgrade as the dependencies as assumptions and dependencies drift.

With stackb/rules_proto in its v2 gazelle-based form, it is largely dependency-free: other than gazelle and the protoc toolchain, there are no dependencies that you cannot fully control in your own workspace via the gazelle configuration.

The gazelle based design also makes things much simpler and powerful, because the content of the proto files is the source of truth. Due to the fact that Bazel does not permit reading/interpreting a file during the scope of an action, it is impossible to make a decision about what to do. A prime example of this is the go_package option. If the go_package option is present, the location of the output file for protoc-gen-go is completely different. As a result, the information about the go_package metadata ultimately needs to be duplicated so that the build system can know about it.

The gazelle-based approach moves all that messy interpretation and evaluation into a precompiled state; as a result, the work that needs to be done in the action itself is dramatically simplified.

Furthermore, by parsing the proto files it is easy to support complex custom plugins that do things like:

  • Emit no files (only assert/lint).
  • Emit a file only if a specific enum constant is found. With the previous design, this was near impossible. With the v2 design, the protoc.Plugin implementation can trivially perform that evaluation because it is handed the complete proto AST during gazelle evaluation.


Bazel build rules for protobuf / gRPC (now with gazelle)







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  • Go 63.8%
  • Starlark 27.9%
  • Java 2.7%
  • C++ 2.1%
  • Scala 1.9%
  • JavaScript 1.3%
  • Other 0.3%