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WIP - most transitive dependencies
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handstandsam committed Nov 7, 2024
1 parent a2527ad commit 90cdd99
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Showing 2 changed files with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.KotlinCompilerPluginsReportPage
import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.LeafModulesNavRoute
import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.ModuleDependencyGraphReportPage
import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.ModuleDetailNavRoute
import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.MostTransitiveDependenciesReportPage
import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.OwnerDetailNavRoute
import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.OwnersNavRoute
import com.squareup.invert.common.pages.OwnersReportPage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ object DefaultNavItems {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package com.squareup.invert.common.pages

import PagingConstants
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.collectAsState
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import com.squareup.invert.common.DependencyGraph
import com.squareup.invert.common.InvertReportPage
import com.squareup.invert.common.ReportDataRepo
import com.squareup.invert.common.navigation.NavPage
import com.squareup.invert.common.navigation.NavRouteRepo
import com.squareup.invert.common.navigation.routes.BaseNavRoute
import com.squareup.invert.models.ConfigurationName
import com.squareup.invert.models.DependencyId
import com.squareup.invert.models.ModulePath
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.H1
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.H5
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.H6
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.Text
import ui.BootstrapAccordion
import ui.BootstrapLoadingMessageWithSpinner
import ui.BootstrapSettingsCheckbox
import ui.BootstrapTable
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

data class MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute(
val configuration: ConfigurationName? = null,
) : BaseNavRoute(MostTransitiveDependenciesReportPage.navPage) {
override fun toSearchParams(): Map<String, String> = toParamsWithOnlyPageId(this)
.apply {
configuration?.let {configurationName ->
this[CONFIGURATION_QUERY_PARAM_NAME] = configurationName

companion object {

private const val CONFIGURATION_QUERY_PARAM_NAME = "configuration"
fun parser(params: Map<String, String?>): MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute = MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute(
configuration = params[CONFIGURATION_QUERY_PARAM_NAME],

object MostTransitiveDependenciesReportPage : InvertReportPage<MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute> {
override val navPage: NavPage = NavPage(
pageId = "most_transitive_dependencies",
displayName = "Most Transitive Dependencies",
navIconSlug = "graph-up-arrow",
navRouteParser = { params ->

override val navRouteKClass: KClass<MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute> = MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute::class

override val composableContent: @Composable (MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute) -> Unit = { navRoute ->

fun MostTransitiveDependenciesComposable(
currentNavRoute: MostTransitiveDependenciesNavRoute,
reportDataRepo: ReportDataRepo = DependencyGraph.reportDataRepo,
navRouteRepo: NavRouteRepo = DependencyGraph.navRouteRepo,
) {

// val moduleToDependenciesMap: Map<ModulePath, Map<ConfigurationName, Set<DependencyId>>>? by reportDataRepo.allDirectDependencies.collectAsState(
// null
// )
// val allConfigurationNames by reportDataRepo.allAnalyzedConfigurationNames.collectAsState(listOf())
// if (moduleToDependenciesMap == null || allConfigurationNames == null) {
// BootstrapLoadingMessageWithSpinner()
// return
// }

H5 { Text("Configurations") }
// val currentConfigurationName = currentNavRoute.configuration
// (allConfigurationNames ?: emptyList()).sorted().forEach { configurationName ->
// BootstrapSettingsCheckbox(
// labelText = configurationName,
// initialIsChecked = currentConfigurationName?.contains(configurationName) == true
// ) { shouldAdd ->
//// navRouteRepo.updateNavRoute(
//// invertedDependenciesNavRoute.copy(
//// configurations = invertedDependenciesNavRoute.configurations
//// .toMutableList()
//// .apply {
//// remove(configurationName)
//// if (shouldAdd) {
//// add(configurationName)
//// }
//// }
//// )
//// )
// }
// }
// fun isExcluded(str: String): Boolean {
// return !str.startsWith(":")
// }
// val filteredModuleToDependenciesMap = moduleToDependenciesMap?.map { moduleToDependenciesMapEntry ->
// val gradlePath = moduleToDependenciesMapEntry.key
// val configurationToDependenciesMap = moduleToDependenciesMapEntry.value
// val newValues =
// configurationToDependenciesMap.mapValues { configurationToDependendenciesMapEntry: Map.Entry<ConfigurationName, Set<DependencyId>> ->
// configurationToDependendenciesMapEntry.value.filter { dependencyId ->
// !isExcluded(dependencyId)
// }
// }
// gradlePath to newValues
// }?.toMap() ?: mapOf()
// val pathToMaxDirectDependencyCount = filteredModuleToDependenciesMap.mapValues { entry ->
// entry.value.values.maxOfOrNull { it.size }
// }.filterKeys { it != "kapt" && it != "annotationProcessor" }
// H1 { Text("Leaf Modules") }
// (0..3).forEach { count ->
// if (pathToMaxDirectDependencyCount.any { it.value == count }) {
// val modulesWithMaxCount = pathToMaxDirectDependencyCount.filter { it.value == count }
// BootstrapAccordion(
// headerContent = {
// H6 { Text("$count Dependencies (${modulesWithMaxCount.size} Modules)") }
// },
// bodyContent = {
// BootstrapTable(
// headers = listOf("Module", "Dependencies"),
// rows = {
// val gradlePath = it.key
// val mappings = filteredModuleToDependenciesMap[gradlePath]?.map { entry ->
// val configurationName = entry.key
// val dependencyIds = entry.value
// buildString {
// if (dependencyIds.isNotEmpty()) {
// appendLine(configurationName)
// dependencyIds.forEach { dependencyId ->
// appendLine("* $dependencyId")
// }
// }
// }
// }?.joinToString("\n")
// ?: ""
// listOf(gradlePath, mappings)
// },
// types = listOf(String::class, String::class),
// maxResultsLimitConstant = PagingConstants.MAX_RESULTS,
// ) {}
// })
// }
// }

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