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Merge pull request #665 from square/egorand/191007/dokka-0.10.0
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Dokka 0.10.0
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Egor Andreevich authored Oct 8, 2019
2 parents 9b107c4 + f8f1af7 commit f90a970
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Showing 12 changed files with 36 additions and 239 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ buildscript {
'kotlin': '1.3.50',
'jmhPlugin': '0.4.8',
'animalSnifferPlugin': '1.5.0',
'dokka': '0.9.18',
'dokka': '0.10.0',
'jmh': '1.21',
'animalSniffer': '1.16',
'junit': '4.12',
Expand Down
69 changes: 30 additions & 39 deletions gradle/gradle-mvn-mpp-push.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,47 +5,38 @@ apply plugin: 'org.jetbrains.dokka'
dokka {
outputDirectory = "$rootDir/docs/2.x"
outputFormat = 'gfm'
reportUndocumented = false
skipDeprecated = true
jdkVersion = 8
impliedPlatforms = ["Common"] // This will force platform tags for all non-common sources e.g. "JVM"
kotlinTasks {
// dokka fails to retrieve sources from MPP-tasks so they must be set empty to avoid exception
// use sourceRoot instead (see below)
packageOptions {
prefix = "com.squareup.okio"
suppress = true
packageOptions {
prefix = "okio.internal"
suppress = true
sourceRoot {
// assuming there is only a single source dir...
path = kotlin.sourceSets.commonMain.kotlin.srcDirs[0]
platforms = ["Common"]
if (kotlin.sourceSets.getNames().contains("jvmMain")) {
sourceRoot {
// assuming there is only a single source dir...
path = kotlin.sourceSets.jvmMain.kotlin.srcDirs[0]
platforms = ["JVM"]

multiplatform {
global {
reportUndocumented = false
skipDeprecated = true
jdkVersion = 8
perPackageOption {
prefix = "com.squareup.okio"
suppress = true
perPackageOption {
prefix = "okio.internal"
suppress = true
if (kotlin.sourceSets.getNames().contains("jsMain")) {
sourceRoot {
// assuming there is only a single source dir...
path = kotlin.sourceSets.jsMain.kotlin.srcDirs[0]
platforms = ["js"]
jvm {
sourceRoot {
// assuming there is only a single source dir...
path = kotlin.sourceSets.jvmMain.kotlin.srcDirs[0]
if (kotlin.sourceSets.getNames().contains("nativeMain")) {
sourceRoot {
// assuming there is only a single source dir...
path = kotlin.sourceSets.nativeMain.kotlin.srcDirs[0]
platforms = ["native"]
js {
sourceRoot {
// assuming there is only a single source dir...
path = kotlin.sourceSets.jsMain.kotlin.srcDirs[0]
'native' {
sourceRoot {
// assuming there is only a single source dir...
path = kotlin.sourceSets.nativeMain.kotlin.srcDirs[0]
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions okio/src/commonMain/kotlin/okio/Buffer.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,8 +65,13 @@ expect class Buffer() : BufferedSource, BufferedSink {
/** Returns the byte at `pos`. */
operator fun get(pos: Long): Byte

* Discards all bytes in this buffer. Calling this method when you're done with a buffer will
* return its segments to the pool.
fun clear()

/** Discards `byteCount` bytes from the head of this buffer. */
override fun skip(byteCount: Long)

override fun write(byteString: ByteString): Buffer
Expand Down
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions okio/src/jsMain/kotlin/okio/Buffer.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,21 +83,13 @@ actual class Buffer : BufferedSource, BufferedSink {
byteCount: Long
): Buffer = commonCopyTo(out, offset, byteCount)

* Overload of [copyTo] with byteCount = size - offset, work around for
actual fun copyTo(
out: Buffer,
offset: Long
): Buffer = copyTo(out, offset, size - offset)

actual operator fun get(pos: Long): Byte = commonGet(pos)

* Returns the number of bytes in segments that are not writable. This is the number of bytes that
* can be flushed immediately to an underlying sink without harming throughput.
actual fun completeSegmentByteCount(): Long = commonCompleteSegmentByteCount()

override fun readByte(): Byte = commonReadByte()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,12 +240,9 @@ actual class Buffer : BufferedSource, BufferedSink {
override fun toString() = snapshot().toString()

/** Returns a deep copy of this buffer. */
actual fun copy(): Buffer = commonCopy()

/** Returns an immutable copy of this buffer as a byte string. */
actual fun snapshot(): ByteString = commonSnapshot()

/** Returns an immutable copy of the first `byteCount` bytes of this buffer as a byte string. */
actual fun snapshot(byteCount: Int): ByteString = commonSnapshot(byteCount)
47 changes: 0 additions & 47 deletions okio/src/jsMain/kotlin/okio/ByteString.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,93 +42,54 @@ import okio.internal.commonToString
import okio.internal.commonUtf8
import okio.internal.commonWrite

* An immutable sequence of bytes.
* Byte strings compare lexicographically as a sequence of **unsigned** bytes. That is, the byte
* string `ff` sorts after `00`. This is counter to the sort order of the corresponding bytes,
* where `-1` sorts before `0`.
actual open class ByteString
// Trusted internal constructor doesn't clone data.
internal actual constructor(
internal actual val data: ByteArray
) : Comparable<ByteString> {
internal actual var hashCode: Int = 0 // Lazily computed; 0 if unknown.
internal actual var utf8: String? = null // Lazily computed.

/** Constructs a new `String` by decoding the bytes as `UTF-8`. */
actual open fun utf8(): String = commonUtf8()

* Returns this byte string encoded as [Base64]( In violation
* of the RFC, the returned string does not wrap lines at 76 columns.
actual open fun base64(): String = commonBase64()

/** Returns this byte string encoded as [URL-safe Base64]( */
actual open fun base64Url(): String = commonBase64Url()

/** Returns this byte string encoded in hexadecimal. */
actual open fun hex(): String = commonHex()

* Returns a byte string equal to this byte string, but with the bytes 'A' through 'Z' replaced
* with the corresponding byte in 'a' through 'z'. Returns this byte string if it contains no
* bytes in 'A' through 'Z'.
actual open fun toAsciiLowercase(): ByteString = commonToAsciiLowercase()

* Returns a byte string equal to this byte string, but with the bytes 'a' through 'z' replaced
* with the corresponding byte in 'A' through 'Z'. Returns this byte string if it contains no
* bytes in 'a' through 'z'.
actual open fun toAsciiUppercase(): ByteString = commonToAsciiUppercase()

actual open fun substring(beginIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): ByteString =
commonSubstring(beginIndex, endIndex)

/** Returns the byte at `pos`. */
internal actual open fun internalGet(pos: Int): Byte {
if (pos >= size || pos < 0) throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("size=$size pos=$pos")
return commonGetByte(pos)

/** Returns the byte at `index`. */
actual operator fun get(index: Int): Byte = internalGet(index)

/** Returns the number of bytes in this ByteString. */
actual val size
get() = getSize()

// Hack to work around Kotlin's limitation for using JvmName on open/override vals/funs
internal actual open fun getSize() = commonGetSize()

/** Returns a byte array containing a copy of the bytes in this `ByteString`. */
actual open fun toByteArray() = commonToByteArray()

/** Returns the bytes of this string without a defensive copy. Do not mutate! */
internal actual open fun internalArray() = commonInternalArray()

internal actual open fun write(buffer: Buffer, offset: Int, byteCount: Int) =
commonWrite(buffer, offset, byteCount)

* Returns true if the bytes of this in `[offset..offset+byteCount)` equal the bytes of `other` in
* `[otherOffset..otherOffset+byteCount)`. Returns false if either range is out of bounds.
actual open fun rangeEquals(
offset: Int,
other: ByteString,
otherOffset: Int,
byteCount: Int
): Boolean = commonRangeEquals(offset, other, otherOffset, byteCount)

* Returns true if the bytes of this in `[offset..offset+byteCount)` equal the bytes of `other` in
* `[otherOffset..otherOffset+byteCount)`. Returns false if either range is out of bounds.
actual open fun rangeEquals(
offset: Int,
other: ByteArray,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,25 +126,17 @@ internal actual constructor(
actual override fun toString() = commonToString()

actual companion object {
/** A singleton empty `ByteString`. */
actual val EMPTY: ByteString = ByteString(byteArrayOf())

/** Returns a new byte string containing a clone of the bytes of `data`. */
actual fun of(vararg data: Byte) = commonOf(data)

actual fun ByteArray.toByteString(offset: Int, byteCount: Int): ByteString =
commonToByteString(offset, byteCount)

/** Returns a new byte string containing the `UTF-8` bytes of this [String]. */
actual fun String.encodeUtf8(): ByteString = commonEncodeUtf8()

* Decodes the Base64-encoded bytes and returns their value as a byte string. Returns null if
* this is not a Base64-encoded sequence of bytes.
actual fun String.decodeBase64(): ByteString? = commonDecodeBase64()

/** Decodes the hex-encoded bytes and returns their value a byte string. */
actual fun String.decodeHex() = commonDecodeHex()
25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions okio/src/jsMain/kotlin/okio/SegmentedByteString.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,31 +24,6 @@ import okio.internal.commonSubstring
import okio.internal.commonToByteArray
import okio.internal.commonWrite

* An immutable byte string composed of segments of byte arrays. This class exists to implement
* efficient snapshots of buffers. It is implemented as an array of segments, plus a directory in
* two halves that describes how the segments compose this byte string.
* The first half of the directory is the cumulative byte count covered by each segment. The
* element at `directory[0]` contains the number of bytes held in `segments[0]`; the
* element at `directory[1]` contains the number of bytes held in `segments[0] +
* segments[1]`, and so on. The element at `directory[segments.length - 1]` contains the total
* size of this byte string. The first half of the directory is always monotonically increasing.
* The second half of the directory is the offset in `segments` of the first content byte.
* Bytes preceding this offset are unused, as are bytes beyond the segment's effective size.
* Suppose we have a byte string, `[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M]` that is stored
* across three byte arrays: `[x, x, x, x, A, B, C, D, E, x, x, x]`, `[x, F, G]`, and `[H, I, J, K,
* L, M, x, x, x, x, x, x]`. The three byte arrays would be stored in `segments` in order. Since the
* arrays contribute 5, 2, and 6 elements respectively, the directory starts with `[5, 7, 13` to
* hold the cumulative total at each position. Since the offsets into the arrays are 4, 1, and 0
* respectively, the directory ends with `4, 1, 0]`. Concatenating these two halves, the complete
* directory is `[5, 7, 13, 4, 1, 0]`.
* This structure is chosen so that the segment holding a particular offset can be found by
* binary search. We use one array rather than two for the directory as a micro-optimization.
internal actual class SegmentedByteString internal actual constructor(
internal actual val segments: Array<ByteArray>,
internal actual val directory: IntArray
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions okio/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/Buffer.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -356,13 +356,8 @@ actual class Buffer : BufferedSource, BufferedSink, Cloneable, ByteChannel {
return toCopy

* Discards all bytes in this buffer. Calling this method when you're done with a buffer will
* return its segments to the pool.
actual fun clear() = commonClear()

/** Discards `byteCount` bytes from the head of this buffer. */
actual override fun skip(byteCount: Long) = commonSkip(byteCount)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,7 +551,6 @@ actual class Buffer : BufferedSource, BufferedSink, Cloneable, ByteChannel {
override fun toString() = snapshot().toString()

/** Returns a deep copy of this buffer. */
actual fun copy(): Buffer = commonCopy()

/** Returns a deep copy of this buffer. */
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions okio/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/ByteString.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec

actual open class ByteString
// Trusted internal constructor doesn't clone data.
internal actual constructor(
internal actual val data: ByteArray
) : Serializable, Comparable<ByteString> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +123,6 @@ internal actual constructor(
actual val size
@JvmName("size") get() = getSize()

// Hack to work around Kotlin's limitation for using JvmName on open/override vals/funs
internal actual open fun getSize() = commonGetSize()

actual open fun toByteArray() = commonToByteArray()
Expand Down
25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions okio/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/SegmentedByteString.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,31 +33,6 @@ import
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec

* An immutable byte string composed of segments of byte arrays. This class exists to implement
* efficient snapshots of buffers. It is implemented as an array of segments, plus a directory in
* two halves that describes how the segments compose this byte string.
* The first half of the directory is the cumulative byte count covered by each segment. The
* element at `directory[0]` contains the number of bytes held in `segments[0]`; the
* element at `directory[1]` contains the number of bytes held in `segments[0] +
* segments[1]`, and so on. The element at `directory[segments.length - 1]` contains the total
* size of this byte string. The first half of the directory is always monotonically increasing.
* The second half of the directory is the offset in `segments` of the first content byte.
* Bytes preceding this offset are unused, as are bytes beyond the segment's effective size.
* Suppose we have a byte string, `[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M]` that is stored
* across three byte arrays: `[x, x, x, x, A, B, C, D, E, x, x, x]`, `[x, F, G]`, and `[H, I, J, K,
* L, M, x, x, x, x, x, x]`. The three byte arrays would be stored in `segments` in order. Since the
* arrays contribute 5, 2, and 6 elements respectively, the directory starts with `[5, 7, 13` to
* hold the cumulative total at each position. Since the offsets into the arrays are 4, 1, and 0
* respectively, the directory ends with `4, 1, 0]`. Concatenating these two halves, the complete
* directory is `[5, 7, 13, 4, 1, 0]`.
* This structure is chosen so that the segment holding a particular offset can be found by
* binary search. We use one array rather than two for the directory as a micro-optimization.
internal actual class SegmentedByteString internal actual constructor(
@Transient internal actual val segments: Array<ByteArray>,
@Transient internal actual val directory: IntArray
Expand Down
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions okio/src/nativeMain/kotlin/okio/Buffer.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,21 +83,13 @@ actual class Buffer : BufferedSource, BufferedSink {
byteCount: Long
): Buffer = commonCopyTo(out, offset, byteCount)

* Overload of [copyTo] with byteCount = size - offset, work around for
actual fun copyTo(
out: Buffer,
offset: Long
): Buffer = copyTo(out, offset, size - offset)

actual operator fun get(pos: Long): Byte = commonGet(pos)

* Returns the number of bytes in segments that are not writable. This is the number of bytes that
* can be flushed immediately to an underlying sink without harming throughput.
actual fun completeSegmentByteCount(): Long = commonCompleteSegmentByteCount()

override fun readByte(): Byte = commonReadByte()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,12 +240,9 @@ actual class Buffer : BufferedSource, BufferedSink {
override fun toString() = snapshot().toString()

/** Returns a deep copy of this buffer. */
actual fun copy(): Buffer = commonCopy()

/** Returns an immutable copy of this buffer as a byte string. */
actual fun snapshot(): ByteString = commonSnapshot()

/** Returns an immutable copy of the first `byteCount` bytes of this buffer as a byte string. */
actual fun snapshot(byteCount: Int): ByteString = commonSnapshot(byteCount)

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