Repository for navigation related SQUIRREL packages.
Install the package dependencies running
rosdep install --from-path squirrel_nav -i -y
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-sbpl
In order to properly generate the dynamic reconfiguration files,
setting execute permission to the files contained in cfg
might be needed: run
chmod a+x cfg/*
from the home folder of the package.
Run the mapping routine by executing
roslaunch squirrel_navigation gmapping.launch
The map created can be then visualised in RViz. The robot should be teleoperated to explore the area. Once the map of the scene is correctly computed, it can be stored running
roslaunch squirrel_navigation gmapping.launch
An rviz configuration file for visualising the current map generated can be found in the git repository IN squirrel_navigation/config/robot1/rviz/rviz_hydro_gmapping.rviz. You should see a small part of a map. Move the robotino with the joystick to complete the map. If done, save the map with the following command:
$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f [mymap]
where [mymap] should be replaced by the correct path and filename.
and mymap.yaml
are created in the folder where the above
command has been executed.
Move the map files into the folder navigation/squirrel_navigation/maps and create a symbolic link to the map:
$ roscd squirrel_navigation
$ cd maps
$ rm default-map.yaml
$ ln -s mymap.yaml default-map.yaml
Be sure that both the .yaml
file and .pgm
files are stored
in the same folder.
$ roslaunch squirrel_navigation navigation.launch {map_file:=[mymap.yaml]}
The argument map_file:=[mymap.yaml]
can be omitted and the map
pointed by default-map.yaml
is loaded. In case the map's file is
specified, [mymap.yaml] has to be replaced by the recorded mapping
file. You have to use the full path to the mapping file, even if the
yaml file is in the current working directory.
Set at first an estimated pose with the button 2D Pose Estimate and
move the robot around the map to localise the robot. To start the
robot in the last pose, set use_last_pose
parameter to true
After that, you can send a navigation goal via the rviz button 2D Nav Goal. The robot should now move to the goal.
The setup is meant for a robot provided with
- A laser rangefinder, used for localisation and obstacles mapping
- A depth camera, used for obstacles mapping and 3D navigation