Colorscheme that focus ease of use and clearly defined contrasting colors with a slightly earthy tone. Heavily inspired by Gruvbox, base16, flattened and solarized.
- improve vimdiff comparison.
You don’t need to do anything for this colorscheme to work in GVim or MacVim.
Srcery's only requirement is that you change your terminal emulator’s so-called “ASCII” colors to the ones in the table below. I've included colorscheme files for various terminals in the term_color folder, but since I haven't tested all of them some issues may arrise. If your terminal is different or the file won't work please let me know so I can add/update/fix the file in question.
------- ------- -------------
black #1C1B19 28, 27, 25
red #FF3128 255, 49, 40
green #519F50 81, 159, 80
yellow #FBB829 251, 184, 41
blue #5573A3 85, 115, 163
magenta #E02C6D 224, 44, 109
cyan #0AAEB3 10, 174, 179
gray #918175 145, 129, 117
brblack #2D2B28 45, 43, 40
brred #F75341 247, 83, 65
brgreen #98BC37 152, 188, 55
bryellow #FED06E 254, 208, 110
brblue #8EB2F7 142, 178, 247
brmagenta #E35682 227, 86, 130
brcyan #53FDE9 83, 253, 233
white #FCE8C3 252, 232, 195
Put srcery.vim
in ~/.vim/colors/
(on unix-like systems) or %userprofile%\vimfiles\colors\
(on Windows).
Using a plugin manager for vim.
Plug 'roosta/srcery'
I've included a few toggles due to discrepancies in the various setups possible.
Enables bold text. default: 1
Enables italic text. default: gui 1, term 0
Enables underlined text. default: 1
Enables undercurled text. default: 1
Enables inverse colors. default: 1
:color srcery
If you like what you see and decide to make srcery your default colorscheme, add the relevant line to your vimrc:
colorscheme srcery