LightStage is a simple, portable lighting tool to efficiently generate a large dataset of lighting on a face using just the webcam.
- To draw shapes on the canvas, click and drag to create a shape.
- Press R key for rectangle, and C key for circle/oval
- Right click over shape to change its color or delete it
- To run a sequence of lights, right click on an empty space and select Sequence
- Choose number of rows and columns (suggested 2-10)
- Choose number of milliseconds each should appear (suggested 100 - 1000 ms)
- Choose color of rectangle
- Update rectangle to view its true size
- To show a gradient, right click on an empty space and select Gradient
- Choose two colors and orientation
- Right click over gradient to delete it
- To import a configuration file, right click on an empty space and select Import Config
Config File Format:
For shapes:
- [Shape] [X_start] [Y_start] [X_end] [Y_end] [Color] [Start_time] [End_time]
- Shape: R for rectangle, C for circle
- X_start, Y_start, X_end, Y_end: starting and ending coordinates
- Color: Color of shape
- Start_time, End_time: (Optional) If no end time specified, then shape will not be deleted
For gradients:
- G [color1] [color2] [Orientation] [Start_time] [End_time]
- color1, color2: 2 colors for gradient
- Start_time, End_time: (Optional) If no end time specified, then shape will not be deleted