In order to run this playbook, you must first export the following environment variables, or pass them to ansible on the command line. Ansible takes the default variables set in the role, but we override them where necessary. In the case of AWS keys, we export them in restricted environments (Jenkins) or a user's local macbook:
Please note that variables passed at the CML take precedence in overriding all downstream variables.
When running as a user other than the default
user (ie jenkins), be sure to set theANSIBLE_CONFIG
path to youransible.cfg
file. A defaultansible.cfg
is given in this project / repo. Exportexport ANSIBLE_CONFIG=./ansible.cfg
to enable its use. -
- To run commands on your local mac, you need access to the
SSH key the instance was launched with, or the Jenkins user key in S3. - If you use the
key, you'll need to set the disable host key checking variable prior to your ansible play running:export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False
- You will also need to add the following parameter to your
execution:--private-key <path to ubuntu key>
- To run commands on your local mac, you need access to the
Note - this module requires Python's Boto Module.
To create an ec2 node to be later provisioned with Druid, run:
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ec2.yml -e "role=overlord tag_name=druid-overlord tag_environment=staging" -vvvvv -u ubuntu --tags "configure,deploy" --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
- Where
is the "Name" tag you wish your instance to be tagged. tag_environment
is the environment to tag the instance with.- Both environment variables must be set.
- Spin up multiple instances with the count parameter supplied as an environment variable. This is 1 by default.
- Where
To configure the ec2 node with Druid / Java / Configs, but not start Druid run:
ansible-playbook druid.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vvvv --tags "configure" -e "aws_access_key=<AWS KEY> aws_secret_access_key=<SECRETY KEY> tag_name=druid_overlord tag_environment=staging druid_role=overlord druid_metadata_password=<REDACTED> zk_host=<HOST IP OR FQDN> pg_host=<HOST OR FQDN>" --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
- Notice that we used the
overlord, and also passed our super secret password via the command line. - Also, notice you can override the set zk_host and pg_host variables as well...
- Notice that we used the
You can override any variables in ansible via the command-line which takes utmost precedence.
To configure the ec2 node with Druid and required configuration, and also start Druid on the node run:
ansible-playbook druid.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vvvv --tags "configure,deploy" -e "aws_access_key=<AWS KEY> aws_secret_access_key=<SECRETY KEY> tag_name=druid_overlord tag_environment=staging druid_role=overlord druid_metadata_password=<REDACTED> zk_host=<HOST IP OR FQDN> pg_host=<HOST OR FQDN>" --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
ansible-playbook druid.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vvvv --tags "configure,deploy,test" -e "aws_access_key=<AWS KEY> aws_secret_access_key=<SECRETY KEY> tag_name=druid_overlord tag_environment=staging druid_role=overlord druid_metadata_password=<REDACTED> zk_host=<HOST OR FQDN> pg_host=<HOST OR FQDN>"
To just run the tests:
ansible-playbook druid.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vvvv --tags "test" -e "aws_access_key=<AWS KEY> aws_secret_access_key=<SECRETY KEY> tag_name=druid_overlord tag_environment=staging druid_role=overlord druid_metadata_password=<REDACTED> zk_host=<HOST OR FQDN> pg_host=<HOST OR FQDN>"
To configure Druid-Tranquility and install Java run:
ansible-playbook tranq.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vvvvv --tags "configure" -e "tag_name=druid_tranquility tag_environment=staging"
- Where
is the "Name" tag you wish your instance to be tagged.
- Where
To configure Druid-Tranquility, install Java, and startup tranquility run:
ansible-playbook tranq.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vvvvv --tags "configure,deploy" -e "tag_name=druid_tranquility tag_environment=staging"
To configure the postgres database from an ec2 instance created using the above ec2.yml playbook run:
- If you do not override the postgres password, the password used will be the one located under the postgres role in vars/pg_pass.yml
ansible-playbook pg.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vv --tags "configure,deploy" -e "tag_name=druid_postgres tag_environment=staging druid_metadata_password=<REDACTED YOUR PASSWORD>" --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
To configure just the database of an existing postgres database instance in ec2 run:
ansible-playbook pg.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vv --tags "deploy" -e "tag_name=druid_postgres tag_environment=staging druid_metadata_password=<REDACTED YOUR PASSWORD>" --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
To configure zookeeper, run the zk.yml playbook:
ansible-playbook zk.yml -i ec2.py -u ubuntu -vvvvv --tags "configure,deploy" -e "tag_name=druid_zookeeper tag_environment=staging"
- Run the following shell script
like below (with your specific parameters) to pack Druid with Packer:
./pack_druid.sh \
overlord \
abc123 \ \
druid-zk-1010326426.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com \
druid_overlord \
us-west-1 \
ami-06116566 \
t2.large \
sg-93a670f7 \
subnet-61869a27 \
/opt/packer/ \
- , And for packing tranquility:
./pack_tranquility.sh druid-tranq druid-tranq <AWS KEY> <SECRET KEY> us-west-1 ami-06116566 t2.large sg-93a670f7 subnet-61869a27 /opt/packer
- Note the variable in these example are specific to building packer on Jenkins. If you were running this locally, you would simply use './'.
- The scripts use the parameters as below. Please look at each pack_* shell script for more information on USAGE:
export RUN_LIST="configure,deploy,test"
export DRUID_ROLE="$1"
export PG_PASS="$2"
export PG_HOST="$3"
export ZK_HOST="$4"
export PACKER_PATH="${14:-/usr/local/bin/}"
packer build \
-var "aws_access_key=$6" \
-var "aws_secret_key=$7" \
-var "RUN_LIST=${RUN_LIST}" \
-var "PG_PASS=${PG_PASS}" \
-var "ZK_HOST=${ZK_HOST}" \
-var "PG_HOST=${PG_HOST}" \
-var "tag_name=$5" \
-var "region=$8" \
-var "source_ami=$9" \
-var "instance_type=${10}" \
-var "security_group_id=${11}" \
-var "subnet_id=${12}" \
-var "vault_file=${13}" \
- In order to encrypt any file under this repo, use the following command:
ansible-vault encrypt <file to encrypt> --vault-password-file ~/.ansible-vault-password.txt
The .vault_pass.txt file is literally just a key=value prior to aes encryption that overrides the
variable in the postgres role. -
To decrypt use:
ansible-vault encrypt decrypt --vault-password-file ~/.ansible-vault-password.txt
AES-256 encryption is used by default with
To use encrypted files or structures in an ansible play, use the following flag with your ansible-playbook command:
--vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
aws s3 cp --sse-c-key <AES ENC KEY> --sse-c AES256 ./ubuntu s3://your-domain-druid/
aws s3 cp --sse-c-key <AES ENC KEY> --sse-c AES256 s3://your-domain-druid/ubuntu .
- The user data file (userdata.txt) is used and uploaded to S3. The
job in production Jenkins utilizes this file as user-data for instances it brings up. - It is vital to keep this file as it ensures hostnames and post-baking attributes are set properly.