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This project is made up of MEAN stack, and the stack contains: MongoDB : Document database – used by your back-end application to store its data as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents Express (sometimes referred to as Express.js): Back-end web application framework running on top of Node.js Angular : Front-end web app framework; runs your JavaScript code in the user's browser, allowing your application UI to be dynamic Node.js : JavaScript runtime environment – lets you implement your application back-end in JavaScript

The main moto of this application is to store the list of Employees in Employee Page, we can also import the user in bulk, the header format for uploading the Employee in bulk fullname | DOB | gender | salary | designation. It also has the functionality of Exporting the the data in PDF and Excel sheet.

DEMO of the application at:

Steps for Starting the application:

  1. npm install
  2. npm start
  3. http://localhost:4200/

To Login as Normal User

username: "normaluser",

password: "1234567890" To Login as Admin

username: "adminuser",

password: "1234567890",