A python library that exposes microcosm factories for connexion
Connexion is a python library that reads a open-api/swagger spec and binds methods for a class to the spec. This project provides the glue between microcosm projects and connexion. It provides the following components
- Connexion: An instance of connexion
- flask: An instance of flask created by connexion
- app: Same as flask instance.
- postgress_session_factory: Binds the Postgres SQLAlchemy session context to Flask
- connexion_error_handler: An instance of the ConnexionErrorHandler used for serializing errors
- configure_connexion_error_handler: Binds ConnexionErrorHandler to flask's generic error handler mechanism.
The reason for providing flask and app is to make sure that connexion's version of flask overrides [microcosm-flask]'s app.
Note: A cookiecutter is created to make it easy for app developers to quickly start building APIs.