- Java&IDE: JDK6 MyEclipse2013
- Backend: SpringMVC3.2.8 Spring3.2.8 Hibernate4.2.11 (Configured by annotation)
- Frontend: JQuery-EasyUI1.3.1 Javascript JQuery Ajax (Client-side and server-side communicated by JSON)
- Database: Oracle10g
- Web Server: Tomcat 7
- Build Tool: Maven
- Linux:CentoOS 6.4
- Other: Druid(database connection pool) JUnit Log4j Jackson FastJson JFreeChart POI
- Migrate the application of Struts2.3+Spring3+Hibernate4 from Struts2 to SpringMVC
- Convert database connection pool from C3P0 to Druid
- Management of user, role, authority, equipment and document
- Export equipment list to Excel file using POI
- Chart display of user statistics using JFreeChart
- User access logs based on Spring AOP
- Cross-browser compatibility of Chrome/Firefox/IE
- Zhibing Xie
- Addrss: Downtown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: (647) 974-7603