OpenMP, MPI and SLURM on Northeastern's Discovery Cluster
C Code built and run using the Code Blocks IDE
Please switch to a Compute node
$ srun --pty /bin/bash
load the anaconda module on your profile type the following:
$ module load anaconda3/3.7
To create your environment, type the following:
$ conda create -n conda_env python=3.7 anaconda
Here conda_env is the name you choose to give your environment.
Tip: to see a list of all of your conda environments, type conda info -e.
Switch to the bash folder and install the prerequisite Anaconda Packages
$ ./
Run the run_slurms script
$ ./
Warning! |
Check your code results in the outputs folder specified below
$ cd ../slurm/outputs $ ll
Check for any bugs logged in the errorrs folder specified below
$ cd ../errors $ ll
Northeastern University
Srinjoy Chakravarty