A Django project for a hockey scoreboard application with real-time updates and customizable template themes.
The Hockey Scoreboard project aims to create a web application that replicates the functionality of a real hockey scoreboard. It provides live updates of scores, team information, and game progress. The scoreboard design is inspired by professional TV broadcasting, offering an immersive experience for viewers. Additionally, the project allows users to customize the template theme to match their branding or design preferences.
- Display of team logos, names, and scores
- Real-time updates of game progress using AJAX
- Timer functionality with start, pause, reset, and stop options
- Responsive design for different screen sizes
- Customizable template themes
- Easy integration with live streaming platforms
Clone the repository:
Double click: start.bat
#Access the application in your web browser at http://[IP}:8000/.
Customize the team logos: Replace the placeholder team logo images in the static/images/ directory with your own team logo images. Start a game: Use the provided controls to start the timer and update the scores in real time. Pause, reset, and stop the game: Use the respective controls to manage the game progress. Modify the design: Customize the HTML and CSS files in the project to match your branding or specific design requirements.
- Technologies Used
- Python
- Django
- JavaScript
- Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
- This project is licensed under the MIT License.