This is a long awaited IPL replacement modchip for Nintendo GameCube. It's open source, cheap and easy to install.
- it's open source
- uses $4 Raspberry Pi Pico board
- very easy installation, only 5 wires to solder
- programmable via USB cable, without any drivers and programs
- automatically boots any DOL app of your choice
- uses "IPL injection" approach superior to mods like XenoGC
- PicoBoot Modchip Will Unleash The POWER of Your Nintendo GAMECUBE! | Installation Guide and Overview by MachoNachoProductions
- This new Gamecube Modchip is a GAMECHANGER - PicoBoot by RockerGaming
- $5 Gamecube IPL Modchip?! Picoboot Dol-001 + Dol-101 Installation / Setup / Showcase by ModzvilleUSA!
Head over to the wiki for Installation guide and Troubleshooting tips.
This project is free and available for everyone. If you want to support it anyway, consider using ❤️ Sponsor button.
I'd like to thank people who helped making PicoBoot possible:
- #gc-forever crew: Extrems, novenary, emu_kidid and others
- tmbinc - he started it all 🙏
- happy_bunny - I started my research with his great writeup on Shuriken Attack
- beta testers: seewood, MethodOrMadness, renanbianchi
- content creators: MachoNachoProductions, RockerGaming, ModzvilleUSA!
- people who sponsored this project
- every PicoBoot enjoyer - it's all about you after all 😉
Some parts of this project use GPL-2.0 licensed code from: