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Tools and Extensions

Simon Schmid edited this page Nov 7, 2017 · 28 revisions

Create Components and Systems right from the Unity context menu.

Simple templates, designed as a starting point for new Entitas projects. By Rivello Multimedia Consulting

Entitas language by Maxim Zaks. This project explores the possibility of a entity-component-system language designed for use with Entitas.

Abstract WrapperComponent class to allow users to create single value components, including the implicit conversion operator, in a single line of code. By Linus van Elswijk

Code generator by Vlad Pazych. Gentitas is a fast and easy to extend code generator, that takes data created by your TypeScript code, and generates C# API source code and API Reference Documentation as static HTML.

Originally created by Nick Pruehs, blueprints allow developers to create entities in Unity in a very similar manner to prefabs, instead of through pure code. Unfortunately the current implementation has many drawbacks and this has caused Simon Schmid to deprecate the feature for now (#390).

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