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Tools and Extensions

c0ffeeartc edited this page May 22, 2019 · 28 revisions

Community Created Add-ons for Entitas.

  • Unity File Templates - Create Entitas components and systems from the Unity context menu.

  • Save Loader - Simple utility to save/load entity and component data at run-time.

  • Entitas VS - Visual Studio extension that makes code generation with Entitas simpler.

  • Wrapper Component - Abstract class to allow for the creation of single value components in a single line of code.

  • Gentitas - Fast code generator for Unity that uses customizable Handlebars templates to generate Entitas API.

  • Proton - Fast code generator written in golang which uses an experimental entity-component-system language designed for Entitas inspired by Entitas-Lang

  • GenEntitas - Entitas generator using Entitas ECS framework and Roslyn.

  • Entitas-Lang - Experimental entity-component-system language designed for Entitas.

  • Unity Project Template - Simple Unity project template, designed as a starting point for new Entitas projects

  • Entitas Blueprints - Build entities in the Unity editor instead of through code, just like prefabs.

  • EntProto - Alternative to Entitas Blueprints

  • EntitasGenericAddon - allows using generic methods instead of code generator, allows extending Entitas project through separate dlls

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