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All Overlays

🚧 Amazon EKS deployment

This overlay serves as an example to bootstrap Flyte setup on AWS. It is not designed to work out of the box due to the need of AWS resources. Please follow the instruction below to further configure.

Hint: searching TODO: through this directory would help to understand what needs to be done.

Amazon RDS / Amazon Aurora

A few things are required for this overlay to function:

  • Two databases named as flyte and datacatalog
  • A database user named as flyte
  • Password of the database user can be added to either to kustomization.yaml or you can create a new file and change the secretGenerator tag to use files. (Refer to kustomize documentation)
  • Service account(s) associated with flyteadmin and datacatalog pods (either as GKE cluster service account or through workload identity) should have Cloud SQL Editor role

Create S3 bucket

  1. Create a S3 bucket named as flyte (if other name replace it next)
  2. Replace in config/common/storage.yaml if using a bucket other than Flyte then replace the bucket name too


flyteadmin configuration is derived from the single cluster overlay, with only modification to database configuration db.yaml

Advanced / OPTIONAL

  1. The default CORS setting in flyteAdmin allows cross origin requests. A more secure way would be to allow requests only from the expected domain. To do this, you will have to create a new server.yaml similar to base/single_cluster/headless/config under config/admin and then set server -> security -> allowedOrigins.


flyteconsole configmap needs to be updated with flyteadmin internal load balancer IP address or the DNS name associated with it if any.

flyteconsole is exposed as a service using internal load balancer.


flytepropeller configuration is derived from the single cluster overlay, with only modification to the config for performance tuning and logs For logs configuration Replace <project-id> in config/propeller/plugins/task_logs.yaml to use CloudWatch

Some important points

  • Storage configuration is shared with Admin and Catalog. Ideally in production Propeller should have its own configuration with real high cache size.

  • By default, three plugins are enabled:

  1. container
  2. k8s-array
  3. sidecar


datacatalog configuration is derived from the single cluster overlay, with only modification to database configuration db.yaml

How to build your overlay

To build your overlay there are 2 options

  1. Build it in your own repo Example coming soon 🚧
  2. hack it in your clone of Flyte repo in place of EKS overlay. In this case just navigate to the root of the repo and run
$ make kustomize

If all goes well a new overlay composite should be generated in /deployment/eks/flyte_generated.yaml

Now ship it

kubectl apply -f deployment/gcp/flyte_generated.yaml