QuaZip is the C++ wrapper for Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package (AKA Minizip) using Qt library.
If you need to write files to a ZIP archive or read files from one using QIODevice API, QuaZip is exactly the kind of tool you need.
See the documentation for details.
Want to report a bug or ask for a feature? Open an issue.
Want to fix a bug or implement a new feature? See CONTRIBUTING.md.
You're a package maintainer and want to update to QuaZip 1.0? Read the migration guide.
Copyright notice:
Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Sergey A. Tachenov and contributors
Distributed under LGPL, full details in the COPYING file.
Original ZIP package is copyrighted by Gilles Vollant, see quazip/(un)zip.h files for details, but basically it's the zlib license.
This project is looking for additional maintainers and code reviewers. While the library is mostly feature complete, there are a couple of big ticket issues that need work. Code review is welcome for all pull requests. If you are well versed in Qt and C/C++ please start helping around and check #185.
You need at least the following dependencies:
- zlib
- Qt6, Qt5 or Qt4 (searched in that order)
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
When using Qt online installer on Windows with MSVC, make sure to select the box for MSVC 20XY 64-bit
and under additional libraries, select Qt 5 Compatibility Module
Finally, add C:\Qt\6.8.2\msvc20XY_64
to your PATH.
If you don't use a package manager you will have to add library and include directories to your PATH or specify them with CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
Qt is not installed as a dependency of either vcpkg or conan.
Using vcpkg
cmake --preset vcpkg
cmake --build build --config Release
Using conan v2
conan install . -of build -s build_type=Release -o *:shared=False --build=missing
cmake --preset conan
cmake --build build --config Release
Only Qt5 is tested on x86.
Using vcpkg
cmake --preset vcpkg_x86
cmake --build build --config Release
Using conan v2
conan install . -of build -s build_type=Release -s:h arch=x86 -o *:shared=False --build=missing
cmake --preset conan_x86
cmake --build build --config Release
If you built Qt from source and installed it, you might need to tell CMake where to find it, for example: -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/usr/local/Qt-6.8.2"
Alternatively, if you did not install the source build it might look something like: -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/home/you/qt-everywhere-src-6.8.2/qtbase/lib/cmake"
Replace qtbase
if you used a custom prefix at configure
Qt installed through Linux distribution packages or official Qt online installer should be detected automatically.
CMake is used to configure and build the project. A typical configure, build, install and clean is shown below.
cmake --build build --config Release
sudo cmake --install build
cd build
ctest --verbose -C Release
cmake --build . --target clean
CMake options
Option | Description | Default |
Specifies which major Qt version should be searched for (6, 5 or 4). By default it tries to find the most recent. | |
Build QuaZip as a shared library | ON |
Enable installation | ON |
Use Qt's bundled zlib instead of system zlib (not recommended). Qt must be built with -qt-zlib and -static . Incompatible with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON . |
Build QuaZip tests | OFF |
Enable BZIP2 compression | ON |
Output BZIP2 errors to stdio when BZIP2 compression is enabled | ON |