Deploy a local multinode k8s cluster with vagrant and ansible 🔧 ☸️
This repo allows you to create a local development cluster using vagrant
and ansible
Solutions like KinD
and Minikube
are excellent but often limited.
With a cluster made up of several VMs it is possible to test a scenario that is closer to a production context.
Modify the following variable in Vagrantfile:
N = <number of worker node here>
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh k8s-master
$ kubectl get nodes
k8s-master Ready control-plane,master 5m6s v1.26.0
k8s-worker-1 Ready <none> 2m59s v1.26.0
k8s-worker-2 Ready <none> 68s v1.26.0
vagrant status — Get the current status of your VM
vangrant destroy — Remove all traces of the virtual machine from your system
vagrant suspend — Stop the machine and save its current state.
vagrant provision {vm-name} — Manually execute ansible playbook against a VM.
vagrant halt — Shut down the virtual machine.
vagrant box list - List local vagrant box images
vagrant box remove {vagrant-box-image-name} - Remove local vagrant box images
vagrant plugin list - List local vagrant plugins