The project is dependent on two project File chooser and google-play-services_lib.
Instructions to build:
Clone the repository of LocDoc project:
git clone
Import the project into your workspace in Eclipse:
- File
- Import
- General
- Existing project into Workspace
- Browse to the folder where LocDoc is cloned
- Finish
Download file chooser from here:
- If the direct link is not funclioning for some reasons, try getting this like this:
- Follow
- Click on
File Chooser-src (2).zip
- Click on
File Chooser-src (2).zip
- Follow
- If the direct link is not funclioning for some reasons, try getting this like this:
Import the project into your workspace in Eclipse:
- File
- Import
- General
- Existing project into Workspace
- Browse to the folder where File Chooser is downloaded
- Finish
Add the project as a library to your LocDoc project:
- Right click on your LocDoc project
- Select 'Properties'
- Select 'Android'
- Go to 'Library' section, and click 'Add'
- Select the imported File chooser project
- Remove any dead-link project, that are there
- Click 'Apply'
- Click 'Okay'
Enable Google Play Services:
- In your Eclipse, click 'Window'
- Click 'Android SDK MAnager'
- Install 'Extras/Google Play Services'
Import google-play-services_lib into your workspace:
- File
- Import
- Android
- Existing Android Code into Workspace
- Browse to your
- To find your Android SDK location, go to Eclipse Preferences->Android->SDK Location
- Finish
Add the project as a library to your LocDoc project:
- Right click on your LocDoc project
- Select 'Properties'
- Select 'Android'
- Go to 'Library' section, and click 'Add'
- Select the imported File chooser project
- Remove any dead-link project, that are there
- Click 'Apply'
- Click 'Okay'
That should remove all the dependencies issue. Should any of the red lines keep bugging you, try cleaning the project (Project->Clear->OK)
Each machine has its on SHA1 fingerprint, which is used by Google to allow the access to Google Maps API. As a consequence to that fact, please send us (b25938 [AT] ut [DOT] ee or rrenja [AT] ut [DOT] ee) your SHA1 finger print, we will accept you and then the application can be used to its full extend. Instructions for gettig your SHA1 fingerprint:
- Open Eclipse preferences
- Go to 'Android' -> 'Build'
- Copy 'SHA1 fingerprint'.
- Send to any of the team members.