Paysub offers basic subscription management for laravel applications. Currently supports only paystack for payment.
This project is in Developer Preview stage, All API's might change without warning and no guarantees are given about stability. Do not use it in production.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require starfolksoftware/paysub
Run the migrations with:
php artisan migrate
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="StarfolkSoftware\Paysub\PaysubServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
| Paystack Keys
| The Paystack publishable key and secret key give you access to Paystack's
| API. The "publishable" key is typically used when interacting with
| Paystack.js while the "secret" key accesses private API endpoints.
'key' => env('PAYSTACK_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PAYSTACK_SECRET'),
| Paystack Subscription Path
| This is the base URI path where Paystack Subscription's views, such as the payment
| verification screen, will be available from. You're free to tweak
| this path according to your preferences and application design.
'path' => env('PAYSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_PATH', 'paysub'),
| Paystack Subscription Model
| This is the model in your application that implements the Billable trait
| provided by Paystack Subscription. It will serve as the primary model you use while
| interacting with Paystack Subscription related methods, subscriptions, and so on.
'subscriber_model' => env('PAYSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL', class_exists(App\Models\User::class) ? App\Models\User::class : App\User::class),
| Tables' names
| Define the package's table names here
'subscriber_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_SUBSCRIBER_TABLE', 'users'),
'subscription_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_TABLE', 'paysub_subscriptions'),
'plan_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_PLAN_TABLE', 'paysub_plans'),
'authorization_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_AUTHORIZATION_TABLE', 'paysub_authorizations'),
'invoice_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_INVOICE_TABLE', 'paysub_invoices'),
'payment_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_PAYMENT_TABLE', 'paysub_payments'),
'card_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_CARD_TABLE', 'paysub_cards'),
'auth_table_name' => env('PAYSUB_AUTH_TABLE', 'paysub_authorizations'),
| Currency
| This is the default currency that will be used when generating charges
| from your application. Of course, you are welcome to use any of the
| various world currencies that are currently supported via Paystack.
'currency' => env('PAYSUB_CURRENCY', 'NGN'),
| Taxes
| Tax definitions for invoice.
'invoice_taxes' => [
// ['name' => 'VAT', 'percentage' => 7.5]
| Company Contact Detail
| Contact details for the billable. This will be shown in invoices sent
| to billables.
'contact_detail' => [
'vendor' => '',
'street' => '',
'location' => '',
'phone' => '',
'url' => '',
'vatInfo' => '',
| Invoice Paper Size
| This option is the default paper size for all invoices generated using
| Paystack Subscription. You are free to customize this settings based on the usual
| paper size used by the customers using your Laravel applications.
| Supported sizes: 'letter', 'legal', 'A4'
'paper' => env('PAYSUB_PAPER', 'letter'),
| Paystack Logger
| This setting defines which logging channel will be used by the Paystack
| library to write log messages. You are free to specify any of your
| logging channels listed inside the "logging" configuration file.
'logger' => env('PAYSUB_LOGGER'),
class User extends Model {
use CanBeBilled;
public function paystackEmail(): string {
return '[email protected]';
public function invoiceMailables(): array {
return [
'[email protected]'
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
- Multiple plans support
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.