Starsim is a framework for modeling the spread of diseases among agents via dynamic transmission networks. R-Starsim is a wrapper that facilitates the usage of Starsim from R. It uses reticulate to communicate between Python and R. Full documentation is available at
R-Starsim will be released on CRAN in future, but for now it can be installed via GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
If you do not already have a reticulate
Python environment set up, R-Starsim will try to make one for you (by downloading Miniconda, creating an r-starsim
environment, and activating it).
If you want to reinstall Starsim (e.g. to update the version), you can use:
If you already have Starsim installed in a Python (specifically conda
) environment, you can skip installation and proceed directly to using Starsim in R. If the environment you've installed Starsim into is called starsim_env
, then you can start using Starsim with:
If you've installed it into your base conda
environment, then you can simply use load_starsim("base")
All Starsim Python functions and classes are available in R. In Python, usage is typically import starsim as ss
. To emulate this behavior in R, Starsim is made available as the variable ss
, e.g. sim = ss.Sim()
in Python becomes sim <- ss$Sim()
in R. In addition, major Starsim classes (such as Sim
, Network
, Disease
, etc.) are imported directly into the R namespace (e.g. sim <- Sim()
also works).
# Load Starsim
# Set the simulation parameters
pars <- list(
n_agents = 10000,
birth_rate = 20,
death_rate = 15,
networks = list(
type = 'randomnet',
n_contacts = 4
diseases = list(
type = 'sir',
dur_inf = 10,
beta = 0.1
# Create, run, and plot the simulation
sim <- ss$Sim(pars)
Questions? Comments? Bugs? Please open an issue or email us for help.