--vid_file (str)
: Path to input video file or a YouTube link. If you provide a YouTube link it will be downloaded to a temporary folder and then processed. -
--output_folder (str)
: Path to folder to store the VIBE predictions and output renderings. -
--tracking_method (str), default=bbox
: Defines the tracking method to compute bboxes and tracklets of people in the input video. Available options arebbox
tracking is available here as a standalone python package. Forpose
tracking, you need to install STAF, extension of OpenPose to multi-person posetracking recently introduced in 1. -
--detector (str), default=yolo
: Defines the type of detector to be used bybbox
tracking method if enabled. Available options aremaskrcnn
is more accurate but slower compared toyolo
. Refer to speed comparison for further information. -
--yolo_img_size (int), default=416
: Input image size of YOLO detector. -
--tracker_batch_size (int), default=12
: Batch size of the bbox tracker. If you get memory error, you need to reduce it. -
--staf_dir (str)
: Path to folder where STAF pose tracker installed. This path should point to the main directory of staf. -
--vibe_batch_size (int), default=450
: Batch size of VIBE model. -
: Enable this flag if you want to visualize the output of tracking and pose & shape estimation interactively. -
: Enable this flag if you want to refine the results of VIBE using Temporal SMPLify algorithm. For this option, you have to set--tracking_method
option topose
. -
: This flag disables the final rendering of VIBE results. Useful if you only want to get VIBE predictions. -
: Enable this if you would like to render wireframe meshes in the final rendering. -
: Render the output meshes from an alternate viewpoint. Default alternate viewpoint is -90 degrees in y axis. Note that this option doubles the rendering time. -
: Save output meshes as .obj files.
- Run VIBE on a video file using bbox tracker and visualize the results with wireframe meshes:
python demo_video.py --vid_file sample_video.mp4 --output_folder output/ --tracking method bbox --detector maskrcnn --display --wireframe
- Run VIBE on a YouTube video using pose tracker and run Temporal SMPLify to further refine the predictions:
python demo_video.py --vid_file sample_video.mp4 --output_folder output/ --tracking method pose --display --run_smplify
- Change the default batch sizes to avoid possible memory errors:
python demo_video.py --vid_file sample_video.mp4 --output_folder output/ --tracker_batch_size 2 --vibe_batch_size 64
If demo finishes succesfully, it needs to create a file named vibe_output.pkl
in the --output_folder
We can inspect what this file contains by:
>>> import joblib # you may use native pickle here as well
>>> output = joblib.load('output/group_dance/vibe_output.pkl')
>>> print(output.keys())
dict_keys([1, 2, 3, 4]) # these are the track ids for each subject appearing in the video
>>> for k,v in output[1].items(): print(k,v.shape)
pred_cam (n_frames, 3) # weak perspective camera parameters in cropped image space (s,tx,ty)
orig_cam (n_frames, 4) # weak perspective camera parameters in original image space (sx,sy,tx,ty)
verts (n_frames, 6890, 3) # SMPL mesh vertices
pose (n_frames, 72) # SMPL pose parameters
betas (n_frames, 10) # SMPL body shape parameters
joints3d (n_frames, 49, 3) # SMPL 3D joints
joints2d (n_frames, 21, 3) # 2D keypoint detections by STAF if pose tracking enabled otherwise None
bboxes (n_frames, 4) # bbox detections (cx,cy,w,h)
frame_ids (n_frames,) # frame ids in which subject with tracking id #1 appears
You can find the names & order of 3d joints here and 2D joints here.
Here is the breakdown of runtime speeds per step namely tracking and VIBE. This results are obtained by running VIBE on a video containing 5 people.
python demo.py --vid_file https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opry3F6aB1I --output_folder output/ --vibe_batch_size 32 --no_render
Tracker | GPU | Tracking Time (ms/img) | Tracking FPS | VIBE Time (ms/image) | VIBE FPS | Total FPS |
STAF-pose | RTX2080Ti | 23.2 | 43 | 16.1 | 61 | 21 |
MaskRCNN-bbox | RTX2080Ti | 68.0 | 15 | 16.1 | 61 | 11 |
YOLOv3-416-bbox | RTX2080Ti | 12.7 | 79 | 16.1 | 61 | 29 |
YOLOv3-608-bbox | RTX2080Ti | 22.2 | 45 | 16.1 | 61 | 23 |
Note: Above table does not include the time spent during rendering of the final output. We use pyrender with GPU accelaration and it takes 2-3 FPS per image. Please let us know if you know any faster alternative.
[1] Pose tracker is from STAF implementation