Fix the performance issue when enqueuing the CSS style. See issue#361 .
Fix issue with SQL syntax on the stcr_upgrade.php file. Issue#352
Fix database collations. When a new update is release the plugin check for the consistency of the collation between post_meta and StCR table.
Fix links that where on the notifications messages on new installations.
Add feature to reset all the StCR options including the option to delete all subscriptions or keep them.
Remove deprecated function to import comments from Comment Reply Plugin. Issue#273 & Issue#343 .
Improve code and made more OOP the creation of default/new options.
Improve the default notification message to have all the links working and to have a better format.
Improve notice message on fresh installations.
Improve data validation to have a better and sanitize information save and read.
Improve the default settings on a fresh install to have all links workings and the default comment message template.
Merge the You can help and Support Panel .
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