- iRODS PHP library https://github.com/stefan-wolfsheimer/irods-php.git
- iRODS storage driver for OwnCloud https://github.com/stefan-wolfsheimer/owncloud-files_irods.git
- iRODS meta data App for OwnCloud https://github.com/stefan-wolfsheimer/owncloud-irods_meta.git
- docker
- docker-compose
docker-compose pull
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
When the owncloud container is up and running and owncloud is reachable on localhost, enable and configure the iRODS apps
docker exec owncloud-irods-apps_owncloud_1 /oc_setup.sh
Login as mara (password mara) on localhost. Upload files to ResearchData and edit meta data.
docker exec owncloud-irods-apps_owncloud_1 tail -f /mnt/data/files/owncloud.log