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Bolt protocol driver for Lua to communicate with graph databases.


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Unofficial library for communication with Neo4j database over bolt tcp protocol.

Tests with a database


Download this repository and use source code from src.

Or you can install it from

luarocks install bolt


local bolt = require('bolt')
bolt.init({scheme = 'basic', principal = 'neo4j', credentials = 'neo4j'})
local result, err = bolt.query('RETURN 1 as num, $str as str', {str = 'Hello'})


local bolt = require('bolt')
bolt.setHost('') -- without neo4j+s://
bolt.setSSL({mode = 'client', protocol = 'any', verify = 'none', dane = true})
bolt.init({scheme = 'basic', principal = 'neo4j', credentials = 'password'})
local result, err = bolt.query('RETURN 1 as num, $str as str', {str = 'Hello'})

More options for Luasec (setSSL) described here.


Name Description Arguments
setHost Set hostname for connection. string ip =
setPort Set port for connection. int port = 7687
setSSL set configuration for secure connection. table params = nil
setVersions Set requested bolt versions. number/string ... = 4.4, 4.3
init Connect to database with credentials. table auth info
query Execute query and get records with associated keys. Shortcut for run and pull. string cypher, table params, table extra
run Execute query and get meta informations. string cypher, table params, table extra
pull Pull records from last run. Last record is meta informations. table extra = {n = -1}
discard Discard records from last run. table extra = {n = -1}
begin Begin transaction. table extra = {}
commit Commit transaction.
rollback Rollback transaction.
reset Reset connection to initial state.
route Send route message. table routing, table bookmarks, string db

Check official documentation for more informations.

Specific Neo4j types

Neo4j support two array data types which are not available in Lua. Lua has only table type. You have to specify type with key neotype in your table. You can use helper functions to add it. Available types are list, dictionary and Neo4j structures. Response doesn't contains neotype key for list and dictionary.

-- List
local result, err = bolt.query('RETURN $list AS list', {
  ['list'] = bolt.list({34, 65})
-- Dictionary
local result, err = bolt.query('RETURN $dict AS dict', {
  ['dict'] = bolt.dictionary({['one'] = 1, ['two'] = 2})

Another issue is with nil while Neo4j has null type. If you set nil into table value in Lua, key is removed from table while Neo4j expects key (in query parameters) even with null value. If you are looking how to set null we introduce to you another specific type. You can use helper function to generate it.

local result, err = bolt.query('RETURN $n AS n', {
  ['n'] = bolt.null()

-- Response from server is not decoded into table with neotype, because Lua can handle missing key as nil.
-- result: {1 = {}}
