A MVC Application using Joomla! Framework. The stucture of the application is similar to what RubyOnRails and PHPCake use.
app/ -- the application directory
controller/ -- the controllers directory
booksController.php -- the controller of the Book object
model/ -- the model directory
book.php -- the Book object
view/ -- the view directory
books/ -- example of resource
index.php -- the view file of the resource for index action
edit.php -- the view file of the resource of edit action
elements/ -- the elements that are used in views
layouts/ -- the layout that is used in the current view
themes/ -- the themes folder
theme_name/ -- the theme name
elements/ -- the elements that are used in this theme
layouts/ -- the layouts that are used in this theme
index.php -- the default layout is in index.php
configuration.php -- application's config file
routes.php -- the routes that are used in the current application
tada/ -- the code of the MVC application
css/ -- the CSS files
js/ -- the JS files
img/ -- the images
index.php -- bootstrap file
themes/ -- the themes folder
theme_name/ -- the name of the theme