Plugin for Sonarqube for the Web world with various technologies and languages (JavaScript, CSS, SASS, HTML, AngularJS...). This plugin consumes reports generated by tools that are heavily used by the Web community:
- Linters:
- Unit testing
- Code coverage:
- Code duplication
- Code complexity
The reports are either directly produced by the tools or by our gulp tasks.
When developping Web applications, you can use gulp to build, run tests, minimify and package your project. Some tasks will already generate reports like Istanbul that generates a LCOV file. You can also add additional tasks to run linters and produce reports. Theses tasks are already available here.
In order to let Sonar analyze your project, you have to provide some configuration. You can define a file named at the root of your project with the following information:
# Required metadata
sonar.projectKey=<unique key for your project>
sonar.projectName=<human readable name for your project>
sonar.projectVersion=<project version>
# Comma-separated paths to directories with sources (required)
sonar.sources=<source folder>
# exclude some folders (typically dependencies)
# Encoding of the source files
# Required metadata
sonar.projectName=My Project Name
# Comma-separated paths to directories with sources (required)
# exclude some files and folders (typically dependencies)
sonar.exclusions=bower_components/**/*, node_modules/**/*
# Encoding of the source files
To build from source, you need to ensure that:
- Java JDK is installed (be sure to use JDK and not JRE)
- Maven is installed
Clone this git repository. Go into the cloned folder (sonar-web-frontend-plugin by default) and generate the plugin using Maven:
mvn clean install
This will generate a JAR file located at sonar-web-frontend-plugin/target/sonar-web-frontend-plugin-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Copy the JAR file into your Sonarqube server plugins directory (SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/plugins directory) and restart the Sonarqube server.
Reports are generated by gulp and Sonar is ready to be executed. You just have to follow standard Sonarqube instructions to run Sonar analysis (just execute the sonar-runner).
The plugin provides many metrics specialized for Web and store them into Sonar.
The linters (JSHint, HTMLHint, CSSLint, SCSSLint) provide many information about code violations (issues) for every language or framework (JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SASS/Compass, AngularJS). These issues are integrated in Sonar and are usable in the different views of Sonar. We also provide a dashboard widget for issues.
Jasmine can generate a JUnit report indicating the test results (which tests have failed, which have succeed and which have been ignored). See gulp-jasmine documentation to know how to generate JUnit report. The plugin consumes this JUnit file and add test results information into Sonar. The plugin can also differentiate unit testing from integration testing.
If you use Istanbul in your project, it will automatically generate a LCOV file. This file provides information about code coverage of your source code covered by your tests. This file is consumed by the plugin and add this information into Sonar and is usable in different views of Sonar.
If you use Simian or CPD in your project, it will automatically generate a report (simian.xml or cpd.xml) for code duplication. This file is consumed by the plugin and add this information into Sonar and is usable in different views of Sonar. We also provide a dashboard widget for code duplications.
The plugin provides two new widgets for multi-language projects.
The widget separate issues counters by language instead of only one counter for all languages that is not revelant. You can have 5000 issues on HTML because you are using a particular framework that doesn't respect HTML norms but only have 1 issue for JavaScript. Without the plugin you will only see 5001 issues and your prject manager can tell you that you are a bad developper. But with this widget you can prove that your JavaScript code is really good !
Same as above, the widget separates the count of duplicated code by language.
You can change the path to eveery generated report directly in your file by adding the following properties:
# issues reports with default paths
# unit test results with default paths
# integration test results with default paths
# code coverage with default paths
# code duplication with default paths