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Change psi=-psi_t to psi=sgn(psi_t)*psi_t (#126)
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* Change psi=-psi_t to psi=sgn(psi_t)*psi_t
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HanneThienpondt authored Oct 2, 2023
1 parent d844df4 commit 6dcfc51
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Showing 5 changed files with 116 additions and 69 deletions.
49 changes: 29 additions & 20 deletions geo/stella_geometry.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module stella_geometry
public :: zeta
public :: zed_scalefac
public :: dxdXcoord, dydalpha
public :: sign_torflux
public :: aref, bref
public :: twist_and_shift_geo_fac
public :: q_as_x, get_x_to_rho, gfac
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ module stella_geometry
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: alpha
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: zeta

integer :: sign_torflux
integer :: geo_option_switch
integer, parameter :: geo_option_local = 1
integer, parameter :: geo_option_inputprof = 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +122,6 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
real :: dpsidrho, dpsidrho_psi0
real :: new_zeta_min
integer :: iy, ia, iz
integer :: sign_torflux
integer :: dxdXcoord_sign, dydalpha_sign
real :: field_period_ratio, bmag_z0
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: grad_alpha_grad_alpha
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
drhodpsi_psi0 = 1./dpsidrho_psi0
! dxdXcoord = a*Bref*dx/dpsi = sign(dx/dpsi) * a*q/r
dxdXcoord_sign = 1
sign_torflux = -1
if (q_as_x) then
dxdXcoord = dxdXcoord_sign * dpsidrho
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,6 +226,7 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
drhodpsi_psi0 = 1./dpsidrho_psi0
! dxdXcoord = a*Bref*dx/dpsi = sign(dx/dpsi) * a*q/r
dxdXcoord_sign = 1
sign_torflux = -1
if (q_as_x) then
dxdXcoord = dxdXcoord_sign / drhodpsi_psi0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,6 +281,7 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
! dxdXcoord = a*Bref*dx/dpsi = sign(dx/dpsi) * a*q/r
dxdXcoord_sign = 1
dxdXcoord = dxdXcoord_sign * geo_surf%qinp / geo_surf%rhoc
sign_torflux = -1
! dydalpha = (dy/dalpha) / a = sign(dydalpha) * (dpsi/dr) / (a*Bref)
dydalpha_sign = 1
dydalpha = dydalpha_sign * dpsidrho
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,20 +352,21 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
! Restart the variable twist_and_shift_geo_fac_full
twist_and_shift_geo_fac_full = 0
end if
!> Bref = 2*abs(psi_tor_LCFS)/a^2
!> a*Bref*dx/dpsi_tor = sign(psi_tor)/rhotor
!> psi = -psi_tor
!> dxdXcoord = a*Bref*dx/dpsi = -a*Bref*dx/dpsi_tor = -sign(psi_tor)/rhotor
dxdXcoord_sign = -1
dxdXcoord = dxdXcoord_sign * sign_torflux / geo_surf%rhotor
!> dydalpha = (dy/dalpha) / a = sign(dydalpha) * rhotor
dydalpha_sign = 1
dydalpha = dydalpha_sign * geo_surf%rhotor
!> if using vmec, rho = sqrt(psitor/psitor_lcfs)
!> psiN = -psitor/(aref**2*Bref)
!> so drho/dpsiN = -drho/d(rho**2) * (aref**2*Bref/psitor_lcfs) = -1.0/rho
drhodpsi = dxdXcoord_sign * sign_torflux / geo_surf%rhotor

!> Define <dxdXcoord> = (ρref/a)(dx̃/dψ̃) and use dx/ = 1/(a*ρ0*Bref)
!> dxdXcoord = (ρref/a)(dx̃/dψ̃) = (ρref/a)(d(x/ρref)/d(ψ/(a^2 Bref)) = a Bref (dx/dψ) = 1/ρ0
dxdXcoord = 1 / geo_surf%rhotor

!> Define <dydalpha> = (ρref/a)(dỹ/dα̃) and use dy/dα = a*ρ0
!> dydalpha = (ρref/a)(dỹ/dα̃) = (ρref/a)(d(y/ρref)/dα) = (1/a) (dy/dα) = ρ0
dydalpha = geo_surf%rhotor

!> Define <drhodpsi> = dρ0/dψ̃ and use ρ0 = sqrt(psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS}) and ψ = sgn(psi_t)*psi_t
!> Use dρ0/dpsi_t = d(sqrt(psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS}))/dpsi_t = sgn(psi_t)/(a^2 ρ0 Bref) with Bref = 2 |psi_{t,LCFS}| / a^2
!> drhodpsi = dρ0/dψ̃ = dρ0/d(ψ/(a^2 Bref)) = a^2 Bref sgn(psi_t) dρ0/dpsi_t = 1/ρ0
drhodpsi = 1 / geo_surf%rhotor
drhodpsi_psi0 = drhodpsi

bmag_psi0 = bmag
grad_x_grad_y_end = grad_alpha_grad_psi(1, nzgrid) * (aref * aref * bref)
select case (boundary_option_switch)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,9 +398,12 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
!> gds2 = |grad y|^2 = |grad alpha|^2 * (dy/dalpha)^2
!> note that rhotor = sqrt(psi/psi_LCFS)
gds2 = grad_alpha_grad_alpha * dydalpha**2
!> gds21 = shat * grad x . grad y = shat * dx/dpsi_t * dy/dalpha * grad alpha . grad psi_t
!> NB: psi = -psi_t and so dx/dpsi = = dx/dpsi_t, which is why there is a minus sign here
gds21 = -grad_alpha_grad_psi * geo_surf%shat * dxdXcoord * dydalpha

!> Define <gds21> = hat{s} ∇x . ∇y
!> Use (dx/dψ)*(dy/dα) = 1/(a ρ0 Bref) * (a ρ0) = 1/Bref
!> Use ∇x . ∇y = (dx/dψ)(dy/dα) ∇ψ . ∇α = (1/Bref) ∇ψ . ∇α = <grad_alpha_grad_psi>
gds21 = grad_alpha_grad_psi * geo_surf%shat

!> gds22 = shat^2 * |grad x|^2 = shat^2 * |grad psi_t|^2 * (dx/dpsi_t)^2
gds22 = (geo_surf%shat * grad_x)**2
!gds22 = geo_surf%shat**2 * grad_psi_grad_psi * dxdXcoord**2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,11 +434,11 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
! exb_nonlin_fac is equivalent to kxfac/2 in gs2
if (q_as_x) then
dqdrho = geo_surf%shat * geo_surf%qinp / geo_surf%rhoc
exb_nonlin_fac = 0.5 * dxdXcoord * dydalpha * drhodpsi * dqdrho
exb_nonlin_fac = -0.5 * sign_torflux * dxdXcoord * dydalpha * drhodpsi * dqdrho
!the following will get multiplied by exb_nonlin_fac in advance_exb_nonlinearity
exb_nonlin_fac_p = geo_surf%d2qdr2 / dqdrho - geo_surf%d2psidr2 * drhodpsi
exb_nonlin_fac = 0.5 * dxdXcoord * dydalpha
exb_nonlin_fac = -0.5 * sign_torflux * dxdXcoord * dydalpha
exb_nonlin_fac_p = 0.0
end if
end if
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,7 +466,7 @@ subroutine init_geometry(nalpha, naky)
!> jacob is the Jacobian from Cartesian coordinates to (y,x,z) coordinates
!> is ((grad y x grad x) . grad z)^(-1) = Lref*(dalpha/dy)*(dpsi/dx)/(Lref*Bref)*(B/Bref . grad z)^(-1)
!> Lref*(dalpha/dy) = 1/dydalpha; (dpsi/dx)/(Lref*Bref) = 1 / dxdXcoord ; (B/Bref . grad z) = gradpar*bmag
jacob = 1.0 / (dydalpha * dxdXcoord * b_dot_grad_z * bmag)
jacob = -sign_torflux / (dydalpha * dxdXcoord * b_dot_grad_z * bmag)
! jacob = 1.0/(dydalpha*dxdXcoord*spread(gradpar,1,nalpha)*bmag)

! this is dl/B
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -846,6 +854,7 @@ subroutine broadcast_arrays
call broadcast(zeta)
call broadcast(dxdXcoord)
call broadcast(dydalpha)
call broadcast(sign_torflux)
call broadcast(twist_and_shift_geo_fac)
call broadcast(grad_x_grad_y_end)
call broadcast(vmec_chosen)
Expand Down
83 changes: 50 additions & 33 deletions geo/vmec_interface/vmec_to_stella_geometry_interface.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1329,9 +1329,12 @@ subroutine vmec_to_stella_geometry_interface(nalpha, alpha0, nzgrid, &
! Compute the Cartesian components of other quantities we need:

grad_psi_X = grad_s_X * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
grad_psi_Y = grad_s_Y * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
grad_psi_Z = grad_s_Z * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
! In VMEC <s> = psi/psi_LCFS and in stella <psi> = sgn(psi_t)*psi_t
! nabla psi = (dpsi/ds) * nabla s = d(psi_LCFS*s)/ds * nabla s
! = psi_LCFS * nabla s = sgn(psi_t) * psi_{t,LCFS} * nabla s
grad_psi_X = grad_s_X * sign_toroidal_flux * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
grad_psi_Y = grad_s_Y * sign_toroidal_flux * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
grad_psi_Z = grad_s_Z * sign_toroidal_flux * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi

! Form grad alpha = grad (theta_vmec + Lambda - iota * zeta)
do izeta = -nzgrid, nzgrid
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1516,10 +1519,10 @@ subroutine vmec_to_stella_geometry_interface(nalpha, alpha0, nzgrid, &
! gds22 = (grad_psi_X * grad_psi_X + grad_psi_Y * grad_psi_Y + grad_psi_Z * grad_psi_Z) &
! * shat * shat / (L_reference * L_reference * B_reference * B_reference * normalized_toroidal_flux_used)

! this is (grad zeta . grad x_stella) / bmag^2 = (grad zeta . grad psitor) * dx/dpsitor / bmag^2
! = (grad zeta . grad psitor) * sign_torflux/rhotor/Lref/Bref/ bmag^2
gradzeta_gradx = sign_toroidal_flux &
* (grad_zeta_X * grad_psi_X + grad_zeta_Y * grad_psi_Y + grad_zeta_Z * grad_psi_Z) &
! Define <gradzeta_gradx> = (grad zeta . grad x) / (B/Bref)^2
! gradzeta_gradx = (grad zeta . grad x) / bmag^2 = (grad zeta . grad psi) * dx/dpsi / bmag^2
! = (grad zeta . grad psi) / (rhotor*Lref*Bref) / bmag^2
gradzeta_gradx = (grad_zeta_X * grad_psi_X + grad_zeta_Y * grad_psi_Y + grad_zeta_Z * grad_psi_Z) &
/ (L_reference * B_reference * sqrt(normalized_toroidal_flux_used) * bmag**2)

! this is (grad zeta . grad y_stella) / bmag^2 = (grad zeta . grad alpha) * dy/dalpha / bmag^2
Expand All @@ -1537,37 +1540,51 @@ subroutine vmec_to_stella_geometry_interface(nalpha, alpha0, nzgrid, &
+ grad_theta_pest_Z * grad_alpha_Z) &
* L_reference * sqrt(normalized_toroidal_flux_used) / bmag**2

! this is psitor/|psitor|*((grad y_stella . grad zeta)*(grad x_stella . grad y_stella)
! - (grad x_stella . grad zeta)*|grad y_stella|^2) / (B/Bref)^2
gds23 = sign_toroidal_flux * (gradzeta_grady * sign_toroidal_flux * grad_alpha_grad_psi &
- gradzeta_gradx * grad_alpha_grad_alpha * normalized_toroidal_flux_used)
! gds23 = sign_toroidal_flux*(gradzeta_grady * gds21/shat - gradzeta_gradx * gds2)

! this is psitor/|psitor| * ((grad y_stella . grad zeta) * |grad x_stella|^2
! - (grad x_stella . grad zeta)*(grad x_stella . grad y_stella)) / (B/Bref)^2
gds24 = (gradzeta_grady * grad_psi_grad_psi / normalized_toroidal_flux_used &
- gradzeta_gradx * sign_toroidal_flux * grad_alpha_grad_psi) * sign_toroidal_flux
! gds24 = (gradzeta_grady * gds22/shat**2 - gradzeta_gradx * gds21/shat) * sign_toroidal_flux

! this is ((grad y_stella . grad theta_pest)*(grad x_stella . grad y_stella)
! - (grad x_stella . grad theta_pest)*|grad y_stella|^2) / (B/Bref)^2
gds25 = gradtheta_grady * sign_toroidal_flux * grad_alpha_grad_psi &
- gradtheta_gradx * grad_alpha_grad_alpha * normalized_toroidal_flux_used
! gds25 = gradtheta_grady * gds21/shat - gradtheta_gradx * gds2

! this is ((grad y_stella . grad theta_pest) * |grad x_stella|^2
! - (grad x_stella . grad theta_pest)*(grad x_stella . grad y_stella)) / 2 / (B/Bref)^2
gds26 = 0.5 * (gradtheta_grady * grad_psi_grad_psi / normalized_toroidal_flux_used &
- gradtheta_gradx * sign_toroidal_flux * grad_alpha_grad_psi)
! gds26 = 0.5*(gradtheta_grady * gds22/shat**2 - gradtheta_gradx * gds21/shat)
! Define <gds23> = sgn(psi_t)/(B/Bref)^2 * [(∇y . ∇ζ) * (∇x . ∇y) - (∇x . ∇ζ) * |∇y|^2]
! Use ∇x . ∇y = (dy/dα)(dx/dψ) ∇α . ∇ψ = (1/Bref) ∇α . ∇ψ = <grad_alpha_grad_psi>
! Use |∇y|^2 = (dy/dα)^2 |∇α|^2 = a^2 ρ^2 |∇α|^2 = a^2 |∇α|^2 * ρ^2 = <grad_alpha_grad_alpha> * <rhotor>^2
! Use (∇y . ∇ζ)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradzeta_grady> and (∇x . ∇ζ)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradzeta_gradx>
! Use ρ = sqrt(psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS}) thus ρ^2 = s = psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS} = <normalized_toroidal_flux_used>
! <gds23> = sgn(psi_t)*(gradzeta_grady*grad_alpha_grad_psi - gradzeta_gradx*grad_alpha_grad_alpha*rhotor^2)
gds23 = sign_toroidal_flux * (gradzeta_grady * grad_alpha_grad_psi - gradzeta_gradx * grad_alpha_grad_alpha * normalized_toroidal_flux_used)

! Define <gds24> = sgn(psi_t)/(B/Bref)^2 * [(∇y . ∇ζ) * |∇x|^2 - (∇x . ∇ζ) * (∇x . ∇y)]
! Use ∇x . ∇y = (dy/dα)(dx/dψ) ∇α . ∇ψ = (1/Bref) ∇α . ∇ψ = <grad_alpha_grad_psi>
! Use |∇x|^2 = (dx/dψ)^2 |∇ψ|^2 = 1/(a^2 ρ^2 Bref^2) |∇ψ|^2 = 1/(a^2 Bref^2) |∇ψ|^2 * 1/ρ^2 = <grad_psi_grad_psi> / <rhotor>^2
! Use (∇y . ∇ζ)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradzeta_grady> and (∇x . ∇ζ)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradzeta_gradx>
! Use ρ = sqrt(psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS}) thus ρ^2 = s = psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS} = <normalized_toroidal_flux_used>
! <gds24> = sgn(psi_t)*(gradzeta_grady*grad_psi_grad_psi/rhotor^2 - gradzeta_gradx*grad_alpha_grad_psi)
gds24 = sign_toroidal_flux * (gradzeta_grady * grad_psi_grad_psi / normalized_toroidal_flux_used - gradzeta_gradx * grad_alpha_grad_psi)

! Define <gds25> = sgn(psi_t)/(B/Bref)^2 * [(∇y . ∇θp) * |∇x|^2 - (∇x . ∇θp) * (∇x . ∇y)]
! Use ∇x . ∇y = (dy/dα)(dx/dψ) ∇α . ∇ψ = (1/Bref) ∇α . ∇ψ = <grad_alpha_grad_psi>
! Use |∇y|^2 = (dy/dα)^2 |∇α|^2 = a^2 ρ^2 |∇α|^2 = a^2 |∇α|^2 * ρ^2 = <grad_alpha_grad_alpha> * <rhotor>^2
! Use (∇y . ∇θp)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradtheta_grady> and (∇x . ∇θp)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradtheta_gradx>
! Use ρ = sqrt(psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS}) thus ρ^2 = s = psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS} = <normalized_toroidal_flux_used>
! <gds25> = sgn(psi_t)*(gradtheta_grady*grad_alpha_grad_psi - gradtheta_gradx*grad_alpha_grad_alpha*rhotor^2)
! Note that <gds25> was wrong before 17/09/2023 (branch upgrade_clockwise_vmecs) for CCW equilibria
gds25 = gradtheta_grady * grad_alpha_grad_psi - gradtheta_gradx * grad_alpha_grad_alpha * normalized_toroidal_flux_used

! Define <gds26> = 1/2 * sgn(psi_t)/(B/Bref)^2 * [(∇y . ∇θp) * |∇x|^2 - (∇x . ∇θp) * (∇x . ∇y)]
! Use ∇x . ∇y = (dy/dα)(dx/dψ) ∇α . ∇ψ = (1/Bref) ∇α . ∇ψ = <grad_alpha_grad_psi>
! Use |∇x|^2 = (dx/dψ)^2 |∇ψ|^2 = 1/(a^2 ρ^2 Bref^2) |∇ψ|^2 = 1/(a^2 Bref^2) |∇ψ|^2 * 1/ρ^2 = <grad_psi_grad_psi> / <rhotor>^2
! Use (∇y . ∇θp)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradtheta_grady> and (∇x . ∇θp)/(B/Bref)^2 = <gradtheta_gradx>
! Use ρ = sqrt(psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS}) thus ρ^2 = s = psi_t/psi_{t,LCFS} = <normalized_toroidal_flux_used>
! <gds26> = 0.5*sgn(psi_t)*(gradtheta_grady*grad_psi_grad_psi/rhotor^2 - gradtheta_gradx*grad_alpha_grad_psi)
! Note that <gds26> was wrong before 17/09/2023 (branch upgrade_clockwise_vmecs) for CCW equilibria
gds26 = 0.5 * (gradtheta_grady * grad_psi_grad_psi / normalized_toroidal_flux_used - gradtheta_gradx * grad_alpha_grad_psi)

gbdrift_alpha = 2 * B_reference * L_reference * L_reference * B_cross_grad_B_dot_grad_alpha &
/ (B * B * B)
! gbdrift = 2 * B_reference * L_reference * L_reference * sqrt_s * B_cross_grad_B_dot_grad_alpha &

gbdrift0_psi = -edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi &
* (B_sub_theta_vmec * d_B_d_zeta - B_sub_zeta * d_B_d_theta_vmec) / sqrt_g &
* 2 * shat / (B * B * B)
! Define <gbdrift0_psi> = hat{s} * (2/B^3) * B x ∇B · ∇ψ
! Use hat{s} * (2/B^3) = 2 * shat / (B * B * B)
! Use B x ∇B · ∇ψ = psi_LCFS / sqrt(g) * ( ∂B/∂ζ * Btheta - ∂B/∂θ * Bzeta )
! Use psi_LCFS = sgn(psi_t) * psi_{t,LCFS} = <sign_toroidal_flux> * <edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi>
gbdrift0_psi = sign_toroidal_flux * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi * (B_sub_theta_vmec * d_B_d_zeta &
- B_sub_zeta * d_B_d_theta_vmec) / sqrt_g * 2 * shat / (B * B * B)

! gbdrift0 = (B_sub_theta_vmec * d_B_d_zeta - B_sub_zeta * d_B_d_theta_vmec) / sqrt_g * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi &
! gbdrift0 = abs(edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi) &
! * (B_sub_theta_vmec * d_B_d_zeta - B_sub_zeta * d_B_d_theta_vmec) / sqrt_g &
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion init_g.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ subroutine ginit_noise
use mp, only: scope, crossdomprocs, subprocs
use file_utils, only: runtype_option_switch, runtype_multibox
use physics_flags, only: nonlinear
use stella_geometry, only: sign_torflux
use ran

implicit none
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,8 +433,10 @@ subroutine ginit_noise
do iky = 1, naky
do it = 1, ntubes
do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid

! For the same rng-seed, the <-sign_torflux> will make the time trace of CCW and CW more similar
a = ranf() - 0.5
b = ranf() - 0.5
b = -sign_torflux * (ranf() - 0.5)
! do not populate high k modes with large amplitudes
if ((ikx > 1 .or. iky > 1) .and. (kperp2(iky, ikx, ia, iz) >= kmin)) then
!the following as an extra factor of kmin to offset the Gamma-1 in quasineutrality
Expand Down

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