Version 0.1.0
- [26d707e] Merge pull request #4 from stephendpmurphy/dev
- [f5877a2] Updating version bump yml config for Github Actions
- [f67187c] Merge branch 'master' into dev
- [9e00d04] Update version_bump.yml
- [cee466a] Update README.md
- [7ae322d] Create release.yml
- [59976c3] Rename release.yml to version_bump.yml
- [e2f5dad] Update release.yml
- [199c186] Changed the SPI address, write buffer, and len to be constants in the API
- [92d0cc5] Update README.md
- [8248c1b] Merge pull request #3 from stephendpmurphy/dev
- [629550d] Merging in the upstream master branch changes
- [3e7d873] Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/stephendpmurphy/icm20948 into dev
- [56ccaba] Filling out the README and fixing incompatibly pointer warnings on SPI write for the reg sel struct
- [608e55a] Update README.md
- [eaaf906] Update release.yml
- [d5b8820] Update release.yml
- [7ffc53b] Adding API for reading out Accel data
- [363c3c5] Resetting release version - #patch
- [ed8cf90] Changing release Actions script. #patch
- [c03e039] Update README.md
- [9cf31fc] Updating README with a todo for compiling a static lib
- [a5beb08] Adding Gyro settings enable and read API
- [1386335] Wrapping the SPI interface functions so we can add in the R/W bit to the address
- [8f2082f] Update README.md
- [1f6571d] Update release.yml
- [52de101] Update release.yml
- [c65a3c5] Update release.yml
- [99eae83] Update release.yml
- [6a3d5e7] Update release.yml
- [57927b9] Merge pull request #1 from stephendpmurphy/add_release_workflow #patch
- [608019d] Create release.yml
- [df615d6] Filling out init function and adding an API for applying settings dynamically
- [37506c6] Changing the dev interface to pass directly through an init function instead of a structure
- [97539ac] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/stephendpmurphy/icm20948
- [f2b0cd5] Adding interface pointer struct and added a template main.c
- [9312a04] Update README.md
- [f32ebad] Create c-cpp.yml
- [11f0d97] Adding initial files and readme
- [19cf5b6] Initial commit