CI | master | develop | last commit |
appveyor | |||
travis |
- The library is distributed under BSD (3-Clause) license. For more information read the license file.
- The library uses SemVer.
- The library requires C++ 14 or higher.
- The library's versions from the
branch are available in our [bintray] conan remote without pre-built packages.
- The X-Plane official website.
- The X-Plane obj specification.
- As the library hasn't got the major version yet the library's interface and logic are not stable and can be changed at any time.
- Cmake 3.7+ - building tool.
- Conan 1.6+ - package manager.
- Conan Package Tools - if you want to build the project with those tools.
- Python 3 - is needed for the Conan.
- Doxygen - if you want to generate the documentation.
- Gtest and Gmock 1.8 - testing (is used via the conan) .
Run from the root folder doxygen doxyfile
the result will be in the doc-generated
The doxygen
has to be accessible through your PATH
environment variable.
Tools | Variables | Type | Description |
conan | CONAN_TESTING_REPORT_DIR | string | A path for storing tests results. Default value is specified in the cmake script. |
conan | CONAN_BUILD_TESTING | 0/1 | Enables/disables building and running the tests. If you set BUILD_TESTING=ON as a parameter while running cmake command it will auto-set CONAN_BUILD_TESTING=1 . |
cmake | TESTING_REPORT_DIR | string | You can specify the directory for the tests reports, it can be useful for CI. Default value is specified in the cmake script. |
cmake | BUILD_TESTING | ON/OFF | Enables/disables building test projects. This is standard cmake variable. |
Note: sometimes you will need to delete the file cmake/conan.cmake
then the newer version of this file will be downloaded from the Internet while running cmake
This file is responsible for cmake and conan interaction.
- You have to install
and add:- If it isn't available conan-center remote the link can be
. - bincrafters bintray remote.
- If it isn't available conan-center remote the link can be
You may use some ways to build this library.
- Using cmake as usually.
These scripts are just examples probably you will need to adjust them for your purposes.
This approach will do:- build the library or just generate project for your IDE.
- test the library if you specify necessary environment variables.
- install it into specified directory.
Usually this approach is for developing.
Windows (.bat) For Visual Studio 2017.
@echo off
:: Fix problems with some symbols.
REM change CHCP to UTF-8
CHCP 1252
:: Sometimes conan asks you about to login to private repositories
:: if you have added ones. So you can put into the root repository folder
:: the file called 'set-conan-user.bat' and write there something like this:
:: call conan user -p <password> -r <remote alias> <user name>
if exist set-conan-user.bat call set-conan-user.bat
:: Creating building DIR and use it as working one.
set dir="msvc-2017"
if not exist %dir% mkdir %dir%
cd %dir%
:: Generating Visual Studio project.
call cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" ../ ^
:: Building
:: Keep it commented if you want to generate VS project only
:: (without building), otherwise uncomment it.
::call cmake --build . --target install --config Release
::call cmake --build . --target install --config Debug
cd ../
Unix (Linux/Mac (.sh)).
# Setting building dir name
# Creating building DIR and use it as working one.
rm -r ${dir_name}
mkdir ${dir_name}
cd ${dir_name}
# Generating make files
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" ../ \
# Building
cmake --build . --target install
cd ../
- Using conan create.
These scripts are just examples probably you will need to adjust them for your purposes.
This approach will do:- export conan recipe.
- build the library in conan local cache.
- test the library if you specify necessary environment variables.
- test conan package (
). - as the result you have the library in your local conan cache in the channel you have specified.
Usually this approach is used when you want to build and put the library into conan local cache with certain settings.
You may also upload the built library into external conan remote later.
Windows (.bat) For Visual Studio 2017 x64.
call conan create . steptosky/develop ^
-s compiler="Visual Studio" ^
-s compiler.version=15 ^
-s compiler.runtime=MD ^
-s build_type=Release ^
-s arch=x86_64 ^
-o XplnObj:shared=False ^
-e CONAN_TESTING_REPORT_DIR="report/conan-test" ^
:: remove build dir in test package
rd /s/q "test_package/build"
Unix (Linux/Mac (.sh)). Fix the example for you use case.
conan create . steptosky/develop \
-s compiler="apple-clang" \
-s compiler.version=9.1 \
-s build_type=Release \
-s arch=x86_64 \
-o XplnObj:shared=False \
-e CONAN_TESTING_REPORT_DIR="report/conan-test" \
- You may also use just conan export.
This approach will do:- export conan recipe to your local cache.
- when project-consumer includes this library the necessary packaged will be auto-built.
- as the result you have the library in your local conan cache in the channel you have specified.
Usually it may be used instead of previous issue when you don't want pre-build and test the library.
conan . export steptosky/develop
- Using conan package tools.
These scripts are just examples probably you will need to adjust them for your purposes.
This approach will do:- create matrix with various configurations.
- run conan create for each configuration.
- as the result you have the library in your local conan cache in the channel you have specified with various configurations.
- the builds may also be auto-uploaded into external conan remote.
Usually this approach is used in CI for building various configurations.
Windows (.bat) building with the conan package tools.
:: Sometimes conan asks you about to login to private repositories
:: if you have added ones. So you can put into the root repository folder
:: the file called 'set-conan-user.bat' and write there something like this:
:: call conan user -p <password> -r <remote alias> <user name>
if exist set-conan-user.bat call set-conan-user.bat
set CONAN_USERNAME=steptosky
set CONAN_CHANNEL=testing
set CONAN_ARCHS=x86_64
call python
:: uncomment next line if you want to remove all packages from all versions from specified channel
:: call conan remove XplnObj/*@steptosky/testing -f
:: remove build dir in test package
rd /s/q "test_package/build"
Unix (Linux/Mac (.sh)). Fix the example for you use case.
# uncomment next line if you want to remove all packages from all versions from specified channel
# conan remove XplnObj/*@steptosky/testing -f
- release-checklist see this file when you are making the release.
- change log this file has to be filled during the release process and contains information about changes.
- lasote docker hub - docker containers for some conan use cases, for example for travis settings.
- Uploading to steptosky bintray:
Windows (bintray-upload.bat) Example:
ECHO "WARNING You are going to upload the conan recipe to bintray"
:: You have to put into the root repository folder
:: the file called 'set-conan-user.bat' and write there something like this:
:: conan user -p <api-key> -r sts-bintray <user>
if exist set-conan-user.bat call set-conan-user.bat
conan export . steptosky/stable
conan upload XplnObj/[set-current-version]@steptosky/stable -r sts-bintray -c --retry 2 --retry-wait 5
Copyright (c) 2018, StepToSky team. All rights reserved.