This project is from Udacity's Intermediate Python Nanodegree program. It contains a command line application as well as a web application which takes in a photo and a quote and generates a meme. The web app runs on the local machine using flask library. Both tools can generate a random meme built from the photos in "./src/data/photos" and the quotes in "./src/data/quotes" or accept a path to both a photo and quote file and generate a meme. All photos are taken from "" and all quotes are taken from ""
- Random command line:
in the "./src" folder and the path to the generated meme will be output.
- Specified command line:
python3 --path=(path to img) --body="body text" --author="author"
and the path to the generated meme will be output
- Flask server:
to start flask server. IP address will be output. Paste into web browser to see the web app.
Then you can click "Random" to generate a random meme or click "Creator" to input a custom photo and quote.
There are 2 primary modules which drive the meme generator:
- QuoteEngine ("./src/QuoteEngine")
- MemeGenerator ("./src/MemeGenrator").
I will go into a bit more detail here about how they work.
This module is responsible for parsing files to find quotes.
This contains a single class which encapsulates a quote body and author into a single unit
This is responsible for parsing files and creating a list of QuoteModel objects to be used in the random meme generator. It has 3 parts:
- IngestorInterface
An abstract interface which should be implemented by each file type specific ingestor.
- Specific Ingestors e.g. PDFIngestor
Each of these are responsible for implementing the specific code required to parse a specific file type for quotes
- Ingestor
This is the outward facing class which handles all parsing requests. It maintains a list of available ingestors and dispatches the parse request to the proper ingestor if available.
This module uses pillow image library and textwrap to create the final meme given an image path and a quote.
Contains a class "MemeEngine" which takes in an image url and a quote, then uses pillow library to overlay the quote onto the image as a meme.