This is the 2nd project from MIT OCW 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems 6.712. The screensaver consists of a number of lines moving and bouncing off one another and the walls. The goal of the project was to speed up the collision detection algorithm from the standard n^2 search by implementing a quad tree. All of the code other than the code in /quad_tree is starter code from the course. My addition is in /quad_tree.
The entire project was built and tested on Windows Subsystem for Linux version 1 Ubuntu 20.04.
To build:
It is built using clang following gnu99 standard. It links to X11 library to run the graphics.
/ - Shell script to run build command. There is also a makefile that was provided with the starter code, but everything I have done has used the build script so I can't guarantee if the makefile works properly.
Run without graphics:
The outfile name is a.out by default. The '-q' option enables the quad_tree to be used over the default algorithm. Input files are contained in /input.
Example commands:
./a.out 500 ""
./a.out -q 500 ""
Run with graphics:
First you have to run "export DISPLAY=:0" on the subsystem or add this to .bashrc. Next start an xserver such as Xming. Then run the same commands as above with '-g' option.
This also runs without the quad tree by default. Press 'q' once it is running to enable the quad tree. You should see a circle around the mouse arrow once quad tree is enabled. With quad tree enabled, press 'v' to see a visualization of the tree. Press space bar to pause.
Example commands:
./a.out -g 500 ""