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Neovim plugin for locking a buffer to a window

Have you ever accidentally opened a file into your file explorer or quickfix window?


This may eventually be addressed within vim itself, but until then we can provide a solution with plugins. Stickybuf allows you to pin a window to a specific buffer, buftype, or filetype. Anything that opens a non-matching buffer in that window will be reverted and re-routed to the nearest available window.


  • Neovim 0.8+


stickybuf.nvim supports all the usual plugin managers

  opts = {},
    use {
      config = function() require('stickybuf').setup() end
require "paq" {
Plug 'stevearc/stickybuf.nvim'
call dein#add('stevearc/stickybuf.nvim')
git clone --depth=1 ~/.vim/bundle/
Neovim native package
git clone --depth=1 \

Quick start

Add the following to your init.lua



Command Description
PinBuffer[!] Pin the current buffer to the current window
PinBuftype[!] Pin the buffer in the current window, but allow other buffers with the same buftype
PinFiletype[!] Pin the buffer in the current window, but allow other buffers with the same filetype
Unpin Remove pinning for the current window


pin(winid, opts)

pin(winid, opts)
Pin the buffer in the specified window

Param Type Desc
winid nil|integer
opts nil|stickybuf.pinOpts
>allow nil|fun(bufnr: integer): boolean Return true to allow switching to the buffer
>allow_type nil|"bufnr"|"buftype"|"filetype" Allow switching to buffers with a matching value
>restore_callback nil|fun(winid: integer) Called after a buffer is restored into the pinned window
>handle_foreign_buffer nil|fun(bufnr: integer) Called when a buffer enters a pinned window. The default implementation opens in a near or new window.


You cannot specify both 'allow' and 'allow_type'


Remove any pinning logic for the window

Param Type Desc
winid nil|integer


is_pinned(winid): boolean

Param Type Desc
winid nil|integer



Param Type Desc
opts nil|table


should_auto_pin(bufnr): nil|"bufnr"|"buftype"|"filetype"
The default function for config.get_auto_pin

Param Type Desc
bufnr integer


  -- This function is run on BufEnter to determine pinning should be activated
  get_auto_pin = function(bufnr)
    -- You can return "bufnr", "buftype", "filetype", or a custom function to set how the window will be pinned.
    -- You can instead return an table that will be passed in as "opts" to ``.
    -- The function below encompasses the default logic. Inspect the source to see what it does.
    return require("stickybuf").should_auto_pin(bufnr)

You can also use autocmd to pin buffers conditionally

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufEnter", {
  desc = "Pin the buffer to any window that is fixed width or height",
  callback = function(args)
    local stickybuf = require("stickybuf")
    if not stickybuf.is_pinned() and (vim.wo.winfixwidth or vim.wo.winfixheight) then

Plugin support

Stickybuf provides built-in support for:

If there is another project that you would like to add out-of-the-box support for, submit a pull request, it's likely you'd only need to update the builtin_supported_filetypes variable in the main source file

How does it work?

Since stickybuf is compensating for missing behavior in vim itself, the implementation is necessarily something of a hack. When a buffer is pinned, its information is stored on the current window in window-local variables. Stickybuf registers a callback on BufEnter that examines the current window and, if that window is pinned, restores the previous buffer and opens the new buffer in an unpinned window.

Since stickybuf relies on being able to restore the pinned buffer after it is hidden, it overrides the bufhidden option of pinned buffers and only cleans up the buffer after a delay. The delay provides enough time to make sure that the buffer isn't going to be restored to the pinned window.

Warning: If you are using any plugin or functionality that relies upon bufhidden, particularly if it relies on bufhidden to trigger BufUnload, BufDelete, or BufWipeout immediately, stickybuf could cause issues. See #1 for a case where this happens with Neogit.