This is a simple gem that takes a set of questions (a "quiz") written in RuQL ("Ruby quiz language" or "Ruby question language" - a DSL embedded in Ruby), and produces one of several possible output formats.
Some types of questions or question elements that can be expressed in RuQL cannot be expressed by some LMSs, and some LMS-specific question features cannot be expressed in RuQL.
gem install ruql
to install this from RubyGems. It works with Ruby
1.9.2 and 1.9.3; haven't tested it on other versions but should be fine.
RuQL is licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA license v3.0 or any later version. You can use it for any purpose, including commercial, and you can create derivative works, but the following attribution must be preserved: "Copyright 2012 Strawberry Canyon LLC". And you must be willing to share your improvements back to this repo.
RuQL supports a few different types of short-answer questions and can output them in a variety of formats compatible with different Learning Management Systems or in printable form.
RuQL is a DSL embedded in Ruby, so you can include expressions in questions, for example, to generate simple variants of a question along with its solution.
Put three or more hyphens in a row where you want the "blanks" to be, and provide a string or regexp to check the answer; all regexps are case-INSENSITIVE unless :case_sensitive => true is passed.
fill_in :points => 2 do
text 'The capital of California is ---.'
answer 'sacramento'
Optional distractors can capture common incorrect answers. As with all
question types, an optional :explanation
can accompany a correct
answer or a distractor; its usage varies with the LMS, but a typical use
is to display a hint if the wrong answer is given, or to display
explanatory text accompanying the correct answer.
fill_in do
text 'The visionary founder of Apple is ---'
answer /^ste(ve|phen)\s+jobs$/
distractor /^steve\s+wozniak/, :explanation => 'Almost, but not quite.'
You can have multiple blanks per question and pass an array of regexps
or strings to check them. Passing :order => false
means that the
order in which blanks are filled doesn't matter. The number of elements
in the array must exactly match the number of blanks.
fill_in do
text 'The --- brown fox jumped over the lazy ---'
answer [/fox/, /dog/], :explanation => 'This sentence contains all of the letters of the English Alphabet'
fill_in do
text 'The three stooges are ---, ---, and ---.'
answer %w(larry moe curly), :order => false
You can provide a generic explanation
clause, and/or override it with
specific explanations to accompany right or wrong answers.
If :randomize => true
is given as an optional argument to the
question, the order of choices may be randomized, depending on the LMS's
capabilities. Otherwise, choices are presented in the order in which
they appear in the RuQL markup.
choice_answer :randomize => true do
text "What is the largest US state?"
explanation "Not big enough." # for distractors without their own explanation
answer 'Alaska'
distractor 'Hawaii'
distractor 'Texas', :explanation => "That's pretty big, but think colder."
Specifying :raw => true
allows HTML markup in the question to be
passed through unescaped. DEPRECATION WARNING: this was originally
included for allowing code blocks in questions. It is probably going
away so don't rely on it.
choice_answer :raw => true do
text %Q{What does the following code do:
puts "Hello world!"
distractor 'Throws an exception', :explanation => "Don't be an idiot."
answer 'Prints a friendly message'
These use the same syntax as single-choice quetsions, but multiple
clauses are allowed:
select_multiple do
text "Which are American political parties?"
answer "Democrats"
answer "Republicans"
answer "Greens", :explanation => "Yes, they're a party!"
distractor "Tories", :explanation => "They're British"
distractor "Social Democrats"
Internally, true/false questions are treated as a special case of multiple-choice questions with a single correct answer, but there's a shortcut syntax for them.
truefalse 'The week has 7 days.', true
truefalse 'The earth is flat.', false, :explanation => 'No, just looks that way'
A question can consist of one or more dropdown menus and interstitial text (which is rendered verbatim without newlines,
so use :raw => true
to embed <br>
tags if you want breaks). A choice selector needs
two arguments: the 0-based index of the correct choice, and an array of strings of all the choices.
The label
method provides interstitial text that separates the dropdowns.
dropdown do
text "Arguably the world's first theme park was"
choice 0, ['Disneyland', 'Mickey World', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Park']
label "located in"
choice 2, ['Beijing, China', 'Paris, France', 'California, USA']
To include an image in a question, you can do this:
choice_answer do
text "Here is a question"
image ""
# rest of question...
The image can be any URL that can be resolved at the time RuQL is run.
The HTML 5 renderer will render the image as follows (each question
appears as a <li>
<li class="question-with-image">
<img src="..." class="question-image">
...question text and other stuff...
Questions also have a unique-in-the-universe ID. You can specify one
for any question by saying uid
string. Questions without a UID will
be assigned one, and it will appear as the data-uid
attribute of that
question's <li>
. UIDs are used by systems such as the
A quiz is a collection of questions in the do
block of a quiz
which has a mandatory name argument:
quiz 'Example quiz' do
# (questions here)
You create a quiz by putting the quiz in its own file and copying-and-pasting the questions you want into it. (Yes, that's ugly. Soon, questions will have unique IDs and you'll be able to create a quiz by reference.)
The following arguments and options have different behavior (or no effect on behavior) depending on what format questions are emitted in:
All question types accept a
:name => 'something'
argument, which some output generators use to create a displayable name for the question or to identify it within a group of questions. -
The optional
clause is followed by a string or array of strings, and associates the given tag(s) with the question, in anticipation of future tools that can use this information. -
The optional
clause is followed by a string and allows a free-text comment to be added to a question.
RuQL can output questions in a format that is at least somewhat compliant with edX Open Learning XML (OLX).
To quickly add an inline question (multiple choice, text or numeric input, or option dropdown) to a course unit in EdX Studio:
- Create the question in RuQL with an attribute
:name => "some-name"
and put it in some filequestions.rb
- Run
ruql questions.rb EdXml -n some-name
- Copy the resulting XML to the Clipboard. In Studio, select "Advanced
Editor" view for the question, which shows the raw XML of the question.
Replace that raw XML with the output from
. - Visually check that the question looks right in Studio, since some markup that is legal in RuQL doesn't format correctly in Studio.
Run ruql questionfile.rb Html5 --template=template.html.erb
The optional template should be an .html.erb
template in which yield
is rendered where the questions should go. If you omit the template
argument, you'll get the html5.html.erb
file template that comes in
the templates
directory of the gem.
If you also specify --solutions
on the command line, you can generate
an HTML5 version that includes identification of the correct answer.
NOTE that if you do this, the HTML5 tags will clearly identify the correct
answer--this format is meant for printing, not for online use, since a
simple "view page source" would show the correct answers!
The AutoQCM tool uses LaTeX to create a multiple-choice quiz with answer bubbles, and includes software to automatically score scanned multiple-choice answer sheets it creates.
You can generate (mostly) AutoQCM-compatible LaTeX input sources from a set of RuQL questions:
ruql questionfile.rb AutoQCM --template=my_template.tex.erb
The template file will be run through erb
and should render yield
where the questions should be. A template file is mandatory for
AutoQCM. If you omit the template argument, you'll get the
template in the gem's templates
The command-line option --penalty=0.8
takes a number that indicates
what fraction of the question's total points should be deducted as a
penalty for wrong answer. For example, a question worth 4 points with a
penalty of 0.25 means the student receives -1 point for the question, as
opposed to zero points for leaving it blank. Default if omitted is
zero. This information is just embedded in the file that will be passed
to AutoQCM.
There are additional renderers not described here. The renderer misleadingly called 'XmlRenderer' once upon a time generated Coursera-compatible markup, but that was long ago. The JSON renderer outputs questions in the MOOCdb format.