Incremental Backup with TAR
To create a backup execute the following command. The tool decides on the basis of the existing files and the days until the next full backup whether a full backup or an incremental backup is to be created. By default it is 7 days.
-s [source path] => set path to the data
-t [target path] => set path to the backupstorage
-d => create backup (dump)
./incr-backup -s /var/www/ -t /mnt/backup/ -d
-p [days] => set Days to next fullbackup
./incr-backup -s /var/www/ -t /mnt/backup/ -d -p 7
To restore a backup execute the following command
./incr-backup -t ~/tmp/www/ -s ~/tmp/mnt/backup/20220106/ -r