New modules
Modules 8FACE mk2, +8
New expander-module for CV-MAP, helper for mapping parameters by context menu (#256 )
New expander-module for MIDI-CAT, helper for mapping parameters by context menu (#232 , #250 )
New module, a virtual MIDI merger and splitter
MIDI "Loopback" driver for routing outgoing MIDI messages back into Rack (enabled on the context menu)
Module ORBIT
New module, a polyphonic stereo field spreader
New module, a companion module for STRIP for keeping input/output connections while replacing strips
Module ME
New experimental module for "mouse enhacements", provides a screen overlay for parameters changes
Fixes and Changes
Modules 8FACE, 8FACEx2
Load preset in Arm-mode even when the same slot was selected before (#212 )
Improved thread-handling for crashes when used with specific modules (#76 )
Added an option for auto-loading the last active preset
Added "Off" as SLOT mode (#249 )
Fixed broken "Autoload first preset" (#29 )
Module CV-MAP
Added context menu sliders for slew and scaling and transforming the input and parameter-range (manual ) (#243 )
Added arbitrary channel routings to allow every input channel assigned to any mapping slot (manual )
Added context menu on the input ports for custom labeling the channels (manual ) (#256 )
Fixed wrong slot behavior when toggling input to 0V (#221 )
Module GLUE
Added option to consolidate all GLUE modules into the current one (manual )
Module HIVE
Fixed hanging ratchets on missing or stopped clock trigger (#216 )
Added new ratcheting modes ("Twos", "Threes", "Power of Two") (manual )
Module MACRO
Added context menu options on mapped parameters of target module for MACRO
Module MAZE
Fixed hanging ratchets on missing or stopped clock trigger (#216 )
Added new ratcheting modes ("Twos", "Threes", "Power of Two") (manual )
Module MB
Module µMAP
Added context menu options on mapped parameters of target module for µMAP (manual )
Fixed wrong behavior when toggling input to 0V (#221 )
Added support for MIDI 14-bit CC (manual )
Added toggle-modes for MIDI CC mappings (manual ) (#225 )
Added an overlay showing current parameter changes on the bottom of the screen (manual )
Fixed crash when binding modules with more than 128 parameters (#234 )
Added option for clearing mapping slots on preset load (#259 )
Added support for more message types (program change, song select, song pointer)
Added context menu option for clearing the log
Fixed relative modes for Behringer X-Touch (#240 )
Fixed duplicate mappings of the same CC (#240 )
Module RAW
Added basic limiting to prevent rare instabilities (#214 )
Module SAIL
Added an overlay showing current parameter changes on the bottom of the screen
Block adjustments on switch-parameters to avoid undefined behavior
Module SPIN
Improved transition between scrolling and parameter adjustments on hovering (#260 )
Module STRIP
Added context menu option "Load and replace" to preset-submenu (#215 )
Added support for sub-folders in preset-submenu (#230 )
Allow mapping mouse buttons 0/1/2 (left/right/middle) in use with modifiers
Fixed not working mappings caused by Num Lock state (#220 )
Fixed not working mappings caused by use of numpad keys (#220 )
Added view-commands using smooth transitions (#139 )
Added "Add module" command (manual )
Added "Send hotkey to module" command (manual )
Added scroll-commands (manual ) (#252 )
Added tooltips for mapped commands
Added "Phase"-mode for CV-input which scans continously through snapshots (manual ) (#182 )
Added context menu option "Locate and indicate" for bound parameters
Added context menu option for custom text labels
Improved performance of +T expanders
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