Detailed information about the Add-on can be found in the wiki. There's also this long-form article.
- Clone the repository
npm install
npm run dev
npx web-ext run -s dist
- starts the default system Firefox with a temporary profile, loads the Add-on and watches for changes
- append
-p profilename
to start Firefox with a specific profile
- Open
andLoad Temporary Add-on
which is located in thedist
Check about:debugging
and click Inspect
to the right of Temporary Containers to see the console.
- Once:
npm test
- Shows a coverage summary and generates a detailed report in the
- Shows a coverage summary and generates a detailed report in the
- Watcher:
npm run watch:test
- Bump manifest version
- Commit, tag and push
- Upload zip web-ext-artifact to AMO
- Download published AMO xpi
- Create and publish GitHub release with AMO xpi
- Bump manifest version
- Commit and push
- git tag v1.0beta1
- git push origin v1.0beta1
- git log $(git tag --sort=-version:refname | sed -n 2p)..HEAD --pretty=format:%s
- Add release notes and publish
Vue.js and SemanticUI are used for the preferences & popup UI.