With provider-credential-controller
, your cluster secrets will be automatically updated when making changes to the Provider Crednetial secrets.
Go to the Contributing guide to learn how to get involved.
Compile the code by running
make compile ./build/_output/manager # Execute the binary
Run the go file manually
go run ./cmd/manager/main.go
Push an image to your repository
export VERSION=0.1 # Specify a version, must be edited in ./deploy/controller/deployment.yaml export REPO_URL=quay.io/MY_ORGANIZATION_OR_USERNAME make push
- Connect to the OpenShift cluster acting as the hub for Open Cluster Management
oc apply -k deploy/controller
- Even though this controller deploys as a single pod, it uses leader election to make sure only one instance is ever running.
- Even if the controller is interupted while updating secrets, when it restarts, it will continue the process until all copied secrets are updated with the new values from the Provider Credential secret.
- Connect to the OpenShift cluster acting as the hub for Open Cluster Management
Running unit tests:
make unit-tests
Running scale testing (3000 copied secrets)
- Connect to an OpenShift cluster
- Make sure either the controller is deployed, see Steps for deployment or launched from the command line, see Steps for development
# Create namespace oc new-project providers make scale-up # This creates a fake Ansible Provider Secret, and makes 3000 copies # To changes the number of copies edit ./controller/provider-credential-controller_scale_test.go # const SecretCount = 3000 make scale-test # This makes FOUR token changes to the Provider secret without waiting make scale-down # Removes a fake Ansible Provider Secret and deletes 3000 copies
- This test executes a sequence of four token updates, not waiting for the 3000 copies to be reconciled. This validates that we do not lose track of the Provider secret updates, even when there is a processing delay in reconciling each copied secret.
Check the Security guide if you need to report a security issue.