#goof - share files through HTTP protocol
goof (Go Offer One File) is a very simple tool to send and receive files on your local LAN.
Features include:
- Serve files just for a given number of times and then exit.
- Share a directory and it's sub directories over HTTP.
- Serve only one specified file.
- Receive files via a simple html form to upload files via /upload
- Disable upload functionality
- More to come..
usage: goof [flags]
-d=0: Max number of downloads
-f="index.html": restrict to one file
-h=false: show this help
-host="": listening port and hostname
-n=false: only allow downloads
stone@ppo2:/tmp$ ./goof -host=""
2012/01/17 16:15:10 Serving /tmp on
2012/01/17 16:15:12 GET /
2012/01/17 16:15:31 GET /upload
2012/01/17 16:15:44 POST linux_3.2.0-7.13.tar.gz
To upload files with curl:
stone@ppo2:/tmp$ curl -F [email protected] http://remotehost:8080/upload
Note 1: You need the go runtime, http://golang.org/
Note 2: this is just a toy project in my adventures in the go language, it probably works but not the cleanest code around ;)