- Support for CometBFT Vote Extensions which allows for signing an additional payload (vote extension) for precommits. Consumes an extra nonce when signing in threshold mode. This is factored into the nonce production rate.
If coming from v3.3.0-rc1, this can be applied as a rolling upgrade, which prevents missed blocks:
- Shut down a non-leader cosigner, upgrade version, and restart
- Repeat for remaining non-leader cosigners
- elect one of the upgraded cosigners as the leader with horcrux elect N
- Shut down the initial leader cosigner, upgrade version, and restart
- elect initial leader as leader again if desired
If coming from ≤v3.2.3:
- Shut down all cosigners and delete ~/.horcrux/raft directory
- Update binary or docker image
- Start cosigner nodes back up
What's Changed
- Update Horcrux go.mod module path by @jakubbujny in #240
- vote extensions by @agouin in #242
- Bump github.com/opencontainers/runc from 1.1.10 to 1.1.12 in /test by @dependabot in #246
- Fix typos by @shapeshed in #251
New Contributors
- @jakubbujny made their first contribution in #240
- @shapeshed made their first contribution in #251
Full Changelog: v3.2.3...v3.3.0