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Releases: stream-labs/facemask-plugin


04 Sep 20:42
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Merge pull request #26 from stream-labs/empty-string-fix

Fix use of .back() on potentially empty string


17 Aug 19:00
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Fixed memory leak when loading / unloading masks.


14 Aug 17:49
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Remove unused resources (#18)

* Remove unused resources and Update Readme

* Update Links in Readme

* Update Readme


10 Aug 18:48
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Fixed major bugs :

  • Fixed username not showing up when making a donation
  • Fixed glitch when starting the facemask animation
  • Fixed facemask randomly freezing on one single frame
  • Added unicode support for the config path
  • Added unicode support for the chat bubble


14 Jun 22:17
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  • Increase default intro fade time

0.7.1 Alerts update

07 Jun 08:34
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0.7.1 Alerts update Pre-release
  • Fixed timing of alert bubble
  • Fixed brightness of alert bubble
  • Added attributions
  • Added params for size/offset/alert bubble show delay

0.7.0 Alerts Preview

25 May 12:08
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0.7.0 Alerts Preview Pre-release

New Alerts Only Facemasks!

** preview release **

  • Settings are exposed for debugging purposes. They will all be hidden in actual release.
  • Attributions are not in this release
  • There appears to be some issues with some masks fading out. Will be fixed.
  • Masks are not automatically reloaded if they change on disk

0.6.9 bmalloc and copy

23 May 03:42
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This version assumes that gs_vertexbuffer_destroy() and gs_indexbuffer_destroy() DO delete the source data that they were made from.

This change in libOBS requires a great deal of re-allocating index and vertex buffer data, just so it can safely delete the memory later on. This adds overhead in time to copy the data, and overhead in memory to store it, even though nobody needs it.

0.6.8 is the same as this revision, but assumes the opposite, and has no extra re-allocation or copying involved.

0.6.8 obs-studio updates

22 May 20:46
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Recompiled with latest obs-studio fork. Hopefully fixes crash when changing masks.


It does not fix the crash. This version assumes that gs_indexbuffer_destroy() and gs_vertexbuffer_destroy() do NOT destroy the source data they are created from.

0.6.9 assumes the opposite, and fixes the crash.

0.6.7 May 9 2018

10 May 23:02
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  • Fixed bug where video does not draw in most recent slobs release.
  • Loading speed is quicker

** updated may 10 **

  • Found a bug that potentially causes video jittering. Fixed.