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1) Streamer
Benchmark's data are stored in a relational database, annotated in RDF using R2RML mappings. and streamed using TripleWave. The current implementation consists of two subtiers, the data tier and triplewave:
- Postgres
- Sesame 2.7 and Ontop Installation Guide
We suggest deploying Postgress and Sesame together into a single VM. This is possible running:
docker-compose up -d
from the folder /rsplab/streamer/citybench/data
running make datatier
from the main /rsplab/streamer/citybench/
or manually running the docker images. Notably, Sesame MUST be linked to postgres.
To stream CityBench data we sue a modified version of TripleWave that reads data from Sesame and publish them on the web.
This image is available also on DockeHub as streamreasoning/triplewave:rsplab.
To deploy and undeploy CityBench Stream we provide two bash scripts:
- checks if a new version of TripleWave docker image is available;
- generates configuration properties for the chosen streams to use in TripleWave;
Available custom fields are:
- run.uuid that identifies the current stream run, and
- stream name that identifies the stream;
- builds a docker image per stream starting to the base one on DockerHub;
- runs such images in delayed mode, i.e. the need a REST GET call to their /start endpoint to run;
- [Optional] -q /path/to/list/of/stream/names can be used to deploy several streams at once
- [] TODO: making optional the run an instance of to monitor the streams; (now default)
- [] TODO: making optional the creation of creates dashboards remotely on Grafana for each stream. (now default) ```stop.sh`
- stops all the running containers
- delete all the stopped containers
- delete all the non-base images
AAA Change base_url to the one of your sesame endpoint in streamer/citybench/scripts/build
- Generator
- Fuseki
- Triplewave
- Run
- Start
TripleWave, RSP Services and RSPLib are maintained separate repositories: