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Changelog v1.0.0
Frank Kleine edited this page Apr 7, 2012
1 revision
Released on 2009/10/16.
- removed Memphis view engine (mikey)
- removed Rasmus view engine (mikey)
- complete rework of processors and processor resolvers (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ioc::stubApp::createInstance() (mikey)
- added script that can execute any implementation of net::stubbles::console::stubConsoleCommand (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::console::ioc::stubConsoleBindingModule (mikey)
- increased clarity of binding exception messages (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #210: replace ereg*() with preg*() (forward compatibility with PHP 5.3) (mikey)
- fixed defect #205: empty document fragments should be serialized as tag only (mikey)
- fixed defect #204: chunked encoding reading problems (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::peer::stubSocketInputStream and net::stubbles::peer::stubSocketOutputStream (mikey)
- improved net::stubbles::peer::stubSocket (mikey)
- enabled ssl connections via prefix
- added possibility to distinguish between connecting and connection timeout
- added support for ssl http connections in net::stubbles::peer::http::stubHTTPRequest (mikey)
- added check-routes target for application build files (mikey)
- fixed bug: encode attributes from writeElement() (mikey)
- fixed bug: return cookie variant only if it is a subvariant of the enforced variant (mikey)
- splitted net::stubbles::ipo::session::stubNoneDurableSession, this one is now only for one request. For the old behaviour a new class net::stubbles::ipo::session::stubNoneStoringSession was introduced which also supports other session id formats in request params. (mikey)
- fixed defect #214: do not display error messages for includes in prod mode (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #216: enable stub:maincontent not only for skins (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #217: provide target for generating Google Sitemap in docroot, see creating XML sitemaps (mikey)
- added startup() and cleanup() methods for more flexibility during processing the request (prema, mikey)
- added net::stubbles::streams::stubAbstractDecoratedInputStream and net::stubbles::streams::stubAbstractDecoratedOutputStream (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::streams::filter (mikey)
- added HTTP version negotiation, fixing a bug with net::stubbles::ipo::response::stubBaseResponse where setting the status code forced HTTP/1.1 (mikey)
- fixed bug #227: load order of ldap classes creates parse error (mikey)
Released on 2009/06/09.
- added the net::stubbles::websites::processors::auth package (mikey)
- bug fixes for ingrid (mikey)
- prevent error messages for buttons and hidden fields
- enable selection of values for hidden fields from dom tree
- display submitted values in fields
- automatically check radio buttons if their value is in the request
- pass comments to html result, not only to next transformation step
- added net::stubbles::console::stubExecutor::executeAsync($command) (mikey)
- instances of Iterator are now treated like array in net::stubbles::xml::serializer::stubXMLSerializer (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::lang::exceptions::stubMethodInvocationException (mikey)
- added new option to net::stubbles::peer::stubURL::get() with second optional parameter: returned url only contains port if it is not the default port (mikey)
- allowed external configuration of xml generators for xml processor via net::stubbles::websites::ioc::stubWebsitesBindingModule::setXmlGenerators() (mikey)
Released on 2009/04/06.
- implemented enhancement #200: allow more then one master.xsl (mikey)
- fixed bug #202: annotation is ignored if other doc comment lines contain parentheses including quotation marks (mikey)
- fixed bug #201: exception handler should not throw exception if logging fails (mikey)
- API improvements for net::stubbles::service::soap::stubSoapClientConfiguration (mikey)
- endpoint can now be an instance of net::stubbles::peer::http::stubHTTPURLContainer
- added static constructor create($endPoint, $uri)
- all setter methods now return the instance
- removed singleton implementation for net::stubbles::service::soap::stubSoapClientGenerator, introduced net::stubbles::service::soap::ioc::stubSoapBindingModule instead (mikey)
- improved api fluency for net::stubbles::rdbms::criteria::stubAndCriterion and net::stubbles::rdbms::criteria::stubOrCriterion (mikey)
- soap package improvements (mikey)
- add net::stubbles::service::soap::stubSoapClient::getFunctions() and net::stubbles::service::soap::stubSoapClient::getTypes() to return functions and types provided by the soap service
- enable overwriting of location from wsdl file
- wsdl enabled by default
- added support for soap services which require named parameters
- added possibility to parse result from a stdClass property
- added @ProvidedBy annotation for IoC, see default providers (mikey)
Released on 2009/03/09.
- implemented refactoring #196: remove dependency to net::stubbles::lang::stubMode in website cache (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #197: turn net::stubbles::lang::stubMode from enum into instantiable class (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #194: do not bind website cache factory if mode forbids caching (mikey)
- changed net.stubbles.language to net.stubbles.locale (mikey)
- turned net::stubbles::lang::stubMode into an interface, move implementation to turn net::stubbles::lang::stubDefaultMode (mikey)
- made dependency on net::stubbles::lang::stubMode optional whereever it was required (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #195: inject logger optionally into website cache (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #185: support for qooxdoo JSON-RPC communication (rist)
Released on 2009/02/09.
- complete rework of IoC integration (mikey)
- cleaned up IoC exceptions: removed not used net::stubbles::ioc::exceptions::stubInjectionException, moved net::stubbles::ioc::exceptions::stubBindingException to net::stubbles::ioc::stubBindingException (mikey)
- replaced net::stubbles::ioc::stubAbstractIOCPreInterceptor by a combination of net::stubbles::ioc::stubApp and net::stubbles::ioc::module::stubBindingModule (mikey)
- added <initVariants/>, <showLastXML/> and <addETagHeader/> as shortcuts for preinterceptor xjconf configuration (mikey)
- net::stubbles::util::datespan::stubDateSpanCustom::getDateSpans() now supports net::stubbles::util::datespan::stubDateSpan::INTERVAL_MONTH (mikey)
- net::stubbles::websites::variantmanager::stubVariantsPreInterceptor can now be configured via interceptor configuration instead of via the registry (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::lang::types::stubDate::changeTo() (mikey)
- all instances of net::stubbles::util::datespan::stubDateSpan now work with net::stubbles::lang::types::stubDate instead of the PHP's DateTime class (mikey)
- renamed net::stubbles::util::datespan::stubDateSpan::toString() to net::stubbles::util::datespan::stubDateSpan::asString() (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::util::datespan::stubDateSpan::contains() (mikey)
- added support for named injection on setter methods with several parameters, both grouped naming for all parameters and one name per parameter (mikey)
- added support for named injection on constructors (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #189: make providers first-class citizens for injection (mikey)
- removed final declaration from abstract constructor in class net::stubbles::ipo::session::stubAbstractSession (prema)
- fixed bug: checking for a non-existing constant binding yielded in a ReflectionException about unknown class <u>CONSTANT</u> (mikey)
Released on 2008/12/16.
- added net::stubbles::ipo::request::stubRedirectRequest (mikey)
- net::stubbles::util::log::stubLogData::addData() now returns itself (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ipo::request::validator::stubHTTPURLValidator (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ioc::stubBinderRegistry::hasInstance() (mikey)
- fixed net::stubbles::util::log::stubLogDataFactory::create(): use a fresh instance of the binder instead of caching it locally. (Respect changed binder instances, especially in unit tests. This might break existing unit tests using the memory log appender.) (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #183: optimize reflection on entities (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::peer::ldap::stubLDAPURLContainer and net::stubbles::peer::http::stubHTTPURLContainer (mikey)
- net::stubbles::peer::stubURLContainer::addParam() now returns itself (mikey)
- added stack trace to string representation of exceptions (mikey)
- fixed defect #182: XMLProcessor should add more cache vars (mikey)
- removed the used files feature from website cache: was not used, and can be done via cache vars (mikey)
- replaced stubConfig with a combination of stubBootstrap and net::stubbles::lang::stubPathRegistry (mikey)
- removed net::stubbles::websites::xml::page::stubXMLPageElementCachingDecorator and net::stubbles::websites::xml::page::stubXMLPageElementDecorator (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::websites::cache::stubDummyWebsiteCache (mikey)
- added input grid for XML/XSL view engine (alehr, mikey)
Released on 2008/11/03.
- fixed logic flaw in exception mapping of net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubPHPSerializer (mikey)
- renamed net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubPHPSerializer::getOriginException() to net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubPHPSerializer::getLocalException() and net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubPHPSerializer::getMappedException() to net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubPHPSerializer::getRemoteException() for more clarity about their usage (mikey)
- finished package mapping in net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubPHPSerializer (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #169: No API access to added RSSFeedItems into stubRSSFeedGenerator (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #171: Add to RSSFeedGenerator getters for a more open API and change the build process (prema)
- implemented enhancement #172: Add to stubAbstractRSSFeed getters for a more open API (prema)
- implemented enhancement #173: bind streams in XJConf (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #174: provide RSS annotations for more automated way to produce feeds (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #175: memory stream wrapper (mikey)
- moved net::stubbles::streams::stubMemoryInputStream to net::stubbles::streams::memory::stubMemoryInputStream and net::stubbles::streams::stubMemoryOutputStream to net::stubbles::streams::memory::stubMemoryOutputStream (mikey)
- constructors of net::stubbles::streams::stubFileInputStream and net::stubbles::streams::stubFileOutputStream now throw an net::stubbles::lang::exceptions::stubIOException in case the internal fopen() call fails, both constructors now only accept stream resources, any other resources are rejected with a net::stubbles::lang::exceptions::stubIllegalArgumentException (mikey)
- moved net::stubbles::streams::stubFileInputStream to net::stubbles::streams::file::stubFileInputStream and net::stubbles::streams::stubFileOutputStream to net::stubbles::streams::file::stubFileOutputStream (mikey)
- separated sniffs for Stubbles Coding Standard into its own PEAR package and moved code from framework to forge (rist)
- add support for working with dates:
- added net::stubbles::lang::types::stubDate and net::stubbles::lang::types::stubTimeZone (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ipo::request::filter::stubDateFilter and net::stubbles::ipo::request::filter::stubPeriodFilterDecorator (mikey)
- added support for date and period filter to net::stubbles::ipo::request::filter::stubFilterFactory (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ipo::request::broker::annotations::stubDateFilterAnnotation (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #180: persistence API should support date instances (mikey)
- fixed bug when reading a non-chunked HTTP response in net::stubbles::peer::http::stubHTTPResponse (prema)
- removed net::stubbles::util::ext::stubXPClassLoader (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #167: FirePHP Implementation (rist)
- added net::stubbles::ipo::session::stubFallbackSession (mikey)
- refactored creation of net::stubbles::xml::xsl::stubXSLProcessor instances to allow php callbacks in generated skin xsl document (mikey)
- fixed bug #181: stubUrl does not rebuild query string after adding parameters (mikey)
Released on 2008/08/31.
- internal encoding for iconv is always set to UTF-8 (mikey)
- fixed net::stubbles::ipo::request::validator::stubMaxLengthValidator and net::stubbles::ipo::request::validator::stubMinLengthValidator to work correct with UTF-8 strings (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::streams::stubDecodingInputStream and net::stubbles::streams::stubEncodingOutputStream (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::peer::stubURLContainer (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::streams::stubMemoryInputStream, net::stubbles::streams::stubMemoryOutputStream and net::stubbles::streams::stubSeekable (mikey)
- net::stubbles::streams::stubFileInputStream now implements net::stubbles::streams::stubSeekable (mikey)
- net::stubbles::console::stubExecutor now accepts a net::stubbles::streams::stubOutputStream to stream the output of the executed command to (mikey)
Released on 2008/08/04.
- fixed bug in net::stubbles::websites::memphis::stubMemphisProcessor: used htmlentities() instead of htmlspecialchars() (mikey)
- fixed bug in net::stubbles::websites::memphis::stubMemphisProcessor: correct encoding detection (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #145: allow overruling of annotated filters in request broker (mikey)
- bugfix: missing double colon in FQCN in net::stubbles::ipo.response::stubBaseResponseTestCase (rist)
- net::stubbles::ipo::response::stubBaseResponse sends data only if there is data (mikey)
- add net::stubbles::ipo::response::stubResponse::clearData() (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ipo::interceptors::stubETagPostInterceptor (rist)
- implemented enhancement #156: Implement abstract class for stubXMLPageElement net::stubbles::websites::xml::page::stubAbstractXMLPageElement (mikey)
- fixed defect #150: carriage return not detected correctly when parsing annotations (mikey, prema)
- implemented enhancement #159: XSL-Callback for formatting dates and timestamps (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #148: do not cache xincluded parts in dev and stage mode (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::lang::stubArrayAccessor::getKeys() (mikey)
- revamped net::stubbles::xml::xsl::stubXSLProcessor (mikey)
- fixed bug in net::stubbles::ipo::request::filter::stubFilterFactory: missing import (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubExceptionReference::setReferencedExceptionName() and net::stubbles::php::serializer::stubExceptionReference::getReferencedExceptionName() (mikey)
- throw net::stubbles::lang::exceptions::stubFileNotFoundException in net::stubbles::xml::unserializer::stubXMLUnserializer::unserializeFile() if file can not be found (mikey)
- fixed defect #158: strip white space from rendered link arguments (prema)
- added net::stubbles::ioc::stubBinderRegistry as helper class (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::util::log::stubExceptionLog (mikey)
- fixed problem with empty driver options overriding default settings provided by PDO (prema, mikey)
- implemented enhancement #161: input stream provides now an EOF lookup method (mikey, prema)
- added net::stubbles::ipo::request::stubModifiableRequest (rist, mikey)
Released on 2008/06/29.
- added net::stubbles::websites::xml::generator::stubModeXMLGenerator (mikey)
- added stage assistant for XML/XSL view engine (mikey, nsteiner)
- implemented refactoring #142: refactor session so it has access to the response (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #141: abstract processor should provide template construction method
- implemented refactoring #139: check and change package structure (mikey)
- fixed SSL port typo in net::stubbles::peer::http::stubHTTPURL (rist)
- fixed stub-json-rpc to not throw errors (rist)
- enhanced net::stubbles::ipo::session::stubNoneDurableSession to be more session-like (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::lang::stubArrayAccessor (mikey)
- allowed annotation classes without prefix (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ipo::request::broker::annotations::stubPreselectFilterAnnotation (mikey)
- keep session in user agents with cookies disabled (do not create a new session on each request) (mikey)
- fixed various xsl issues within the XML/XSL view engine (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::xml::rss::stubRSSProcessor (mikey)
- fixed setup script for JSON-RPC examples (schst)
- Upgraded Dojo and YUI versions in examples to latest versions (schst)
- added net::stubbles::streams (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #143: enable common xsl directory for several projects in one installation (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #140: implemented a LDAP API for the retrieval of LDAP entries.
Released on 2008/05/24.
- fixed install script (mikey)
Released on 2008/04/06.
- added net::stubbles::reflection::stubBaseReflectionClass::getMethodsByMatcher() and net::stubbles::reflection::stubBaseReflectionClass::getPropertiesByMatcher() (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #128: improved performance of XMLSerializer (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #125: replace session resource manager with stubBindingScopes::$SESSION (mikey)
- fixed defect #134: stubClassBinding::to() should throw an exception (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::lang::exceptions::stubChainedException::hasCause() and net::stubbles::lang::exceptions::stubChainedException::getFinalMessage() (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::util::stubRegistryInitializer::getConfigSource() (mikey)
- added new marker interface net::stubbles::util::log::stubLoggerInitializer (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #129: XML processor should produce HTML to enable website caching (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #136: enable caching of complete skin (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #138: remove decorated response (mikey)
- implemented refactoring #137: page factory should not be global for processor resolver (mikey)
- implemented enhancement #133: xml processor should use website cache (mikey)
- fixed several bugs where dots were still used as package separator (mikey)
- added net::stubbles::ipo.response::stubResponse::setStatusCode() (mikey)
- renamed net::stubbles::util::net to net::stubbles::peer (mikey)
Released on 2008/02/27.
- refactored net::stubbles::ipo::request::filters: introduced new filter API, see creating filters (mikey)
- enhanced net::stubbles::php::string::stubMD5Encoder: can now use prefixes and postfixes for encoding, may be useful for salts (mikey)
- added variant support for the XML/XSL view engine (mikey)
- added new method net::stubbles::xml::stubXMLStreamWriter::isFinished() to check if all opened elements are closed (mikey)
- refactored net::stubbles::service::jsonrpc (mikey)
- BC-BREAK: configuration of services via config/xml/json-rpc-service.xml is no longer supported, one needs to use config/json-rpc-service.ini now (mikey)
- enhancement #97: give injection provider more informations about requested injection (mikey)
- enhancement #121: remove support for dots as package separator (mikey)
See Changelog.