The PackOne plugin gives you some utility modules for VCV Rack.
- 4ROUNDS: randomizer for up to 16 input signals to create 15 output signals
- 8FACE: preset sequencer for eight presets of any module as an universal expander
- BOLT: polyphonic CV-modulateable boolean functions
- CV-MAP: control 32 knobs/sliders/switches of any module by CV even when the module has no CV input
- CV-PAM: generate CV voltage by observing 32 knobs/sliders/switches of any module
- INFIX: insert for polyphonic cables
- µMAP: a single instance of CV-MAP's slots with attenuverters
- MIDI-CAT: map parameters to midi controllers similar to MIDI-MAP with midi feedback and note mapping
- ReMOVE Lite: a recorder for knob/slider/switch-automation
- ROTOR Model A: spread a carrier signal across 2-16 output channels using CV
- SIPO: serial-in parallel-out shift register with polyphonic output and CV controls
- STRIP: manage a group of modules in a patch, providing load, save as, disable and randomize
Stable versions are released in the VCV Library. Nightly builds of the latest commit can be downloaded here. Please review the changelog for this plugin.
Feel free to contact me or create a GitHub issue if you have any problems or questions! If you like my modules consider donating to Thanks for your support!
Follow the build instructions for VCV Rack.
All source code is copyright © 2019 Benjamin Dill and is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version v3.0.
All files and graphics in the res
and res-src
directories are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. You may not distribute modified adaptations of these graphics.